exploring the rabbit hole of anarchism (anarcho-capitalism)

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

The White Rabbit

This article is meant to be a jumping off point in the discovery process of the subject matter of anarcho-capitalism (or using the "less scary" word voluntarism). I attempt here to provide relevant jumping off points to follow in your exploration of the subject matter. Hopefully you'll end up feeling like you went into a rabbit hole -- just as Alice did in the story of "Alice in Wonderland".

But more importantly, if you do follow all of these links (and delve deeper as the article title suggests), you will emerge an anarchist. No other outcome is morally possible if internal logic prevails. So be ready for a different view of the world than you may have going in.

If you are already an ancap, hopefully I have provided useful links beyond those you already have. And if you're not one, you will be if you let logic in the door.

Premise -- accept these 4 points

  1. Definition of anarchy:

"Absence of any form of political authority"
(or more properly) "without rulers"

  1. Anarchy does not imply that there are "no rules";

  2. Adhere to the non-aggression principal NAP:

"No one may threaten or commit violence ('aggress') against another man's person or property. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another. In short, no violence may be employed against a nonaggressor. Here is the fundamental rule from which can be deduced the entire corpus of libertarian theory." (Murray Rothbard, 1963, Cited from "War, Peace, and the State");

  1. Strictly voluntary basis for all human interactions

If you guide all of your actions using these simple, basic concepts, then you are an anarcho-capitalist (or voluntaryist). How are you not?

Item 1 is fact; item 2 flows from nature; and item 4 guides most human interaction without ever having to resort to any rulebook at all.

That leaves item 3. Most people adhere to this principle most of the time. And so the object lesson here is to discover why anyone isn't 100% behind the NAP. And if they are not, what the cause behind that failure is.

So, can you accept these 4 principles? And act on them 100% of the time? And if not, why not?


So, do you think that there should even be laws? Does it make sense that a moral person needs to be constrained by the actions of a few to keep them moral? Do you think that a morally corrupt person (criminal) cares at all about what the law is? Doesn't having laws benefit only those (political class) trying to impose their will on others through law?

Check out The Law for the best book on the morality of law. And be sure to checkout the teachings of Lysander Spooner.


The worst kind of economics is the Keynesian system that is in place today in this country. It is a model whereby the government believes it can control resources in a manner beneficial to all mostly by spending borrowed money. This control extends to a belief that the Federal Resrve should also control interest rates instead of letting rates be determined by a free marketplace.

Here is a humorous rap video between a Keynesian economist (Keynes) and Austrian School economist (Hayek)
Fear the Boom and Bust

Needless to say, I think there is no doubt that the Keynesian model is broken and completely ignores the marketplace signals. The Mises Institute has a ton of information and free content to read up on and hopefully reach the conclusion that a free market economy is the only kind of economy that can work for everyone, not just a few elite.


Here is an eye opening video on the current educational system put out by Josie Wales called A Prison By Any Other Name
A Prison By Any Other Name

That the Prussian education system is used in most of the world by their respective governments is not a coincidence. It is all about teaching subservience & obedience.

Check out a way better system called unschooling. Dayna Martin is a big name in this movement.

Federal Reserve & Money

This is an excellent video series on Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money
Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money
The whole series of videos is well worth the watch! While Mike Maloney advocates for Gold & Silver, I don't think he would disagree that there are other more modern versions of money such as Bitcoin, etc.

Another great video is this presentation by G. Edward Griffin, the author of The Creature From Jekyll Island
The Creature From Jekyll Island
The book is about a 9 day secret meeting held by private bankers at Jekyll Island in 1910 leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax. If you don't know the story, it is very revealing.

Understanding the Federal Reserve and it's relationship to the US Government explains a lot about the economic health of the worlds economic system. If you want to drill even deeper check out the the Rothschild family. Their private banking side of government operations worldwide make them huge profits!

Other useful links

Some good links! Need more!!

What Anarchy Isn't
The Philosophy of Liberty
The Story of Your Enslavement
The Mirror

Top "Steemit" Guns in Anarchy community

These guys teach all of the above in their own unique style. Thanks to them, I don't need to try to explain stuff in detail because they do it for us ;-) Go follow them if you don't already do so!

Larken Rose
Jeff Berwick
Luis Ferdinand Mises
Danilo Cuellar
Jared Howe
Randy Hilarski
Amanda Rachwitz

Other web links

Larken Rose
Stefan Molyneux
The Freedom Line
The Free Thought Project
Marc Stevens
Carey Wedler
Brave The World
Katy Khaos
Josie Wales


I hope you enjoy surfing all these links and that you come away with a deeper understanding of the beauty of voluntarism! I will add content to this article and/or make corrections if you comment your suggestions.

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Google searches are logged. Their results are definitely biased. Your results will be bubbled to your historical search tastes/results, leading to a biased view of the world in accordance with unpublished algorithms and biases.


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Thank you for the mention, sorry I was late to the Upvote party. I have been away from my computer for almost a day. It actually felt good.

Nice one @noyb. Not sure if you're in many Facebook groups; @hilarski posted your article in this one https://www.facebook.com/groups/230632590669641/

It's best to search all groups on Facebook with "Steemit" in the name, and post your article in most of them... and of course if you're posting about voluntaryism, post in ancap and voluntaryist groups as well. I hope that helps you get some more readers. Have a good one!

Thanks so much @churdtzu for the positivity! And great advice, I'll be sure to take it!

Wonderful introductory article into Anarchism and Voluntaryism! I am truly honored to be mentioned among such estimable luminaries. I appreciate all that you do to spread Voluntaryism and true freedom in your sphere of influence. Keep up the awesome work! Cheers! :-)

Thanks so much Danilo! I appreciate the positive feedback.