Im new to steem!

in #anarchist8 years ago (edited)


Hi all, this is my introduction post. My name is Ana and im a 26 year old home-birth student midwife who is passionate about holistic health, fitness, permaculture, organic farming,  anarkism & truth. I live in northern California, where you can find just about anything you want. I was born in Guatemala, but came to the states as a little girl...because my third world birth country just wasn't the life my parents had hoped for my siblings and I. 

 I grew up being the white sheep in my birth family, I say white because I am light compared to all the rest of my brown family members. My birth family is one who you can consider religious and incredibly sexist and traditional in many ways. I never fit into that, I can truly say I never believed in the religion I was forced into...until the age of 15 I was made to attend Sunday church and I hated every single second of it. The ignorance, the hatred and simply the lack of questioning really boiled my blood! I remember being a very little girl getting into debates with my birth family and being told "you don't understand, you are to young". 

Perhaps that small background will make it easy to understand how much frustration I have built in me? At a young age I was sexually abused by a relative, and it was repressed until about 5 years ago when it literally just came out and hit me in the face and heart. Since that time I spent a good deal dying internally and being reborn from the ashes of passion, truth & love. I could truly go on about that situation alone, but I will not simply because it does not define me. I will say this though, I have forgiven this person even though they denied it after I confronted them. I understand that the forgiveness was for me and me alone, they will deal with whatever it is life offers them whatever that may be, if anything.

Moving forward with more interesting moments in my life are the experiences that have truly altered my consciousness. I have had wonderful and very dark trips with mind altering substances, the death and rebirth of myself, ego or whatever you want to call it. I truly feel I understand what "we are one" means, and I wish I had that feeling at all time...but I don't. I am a dark pessimist who can be optimistic...does this make sense?

I care deeply for the earth and its inhabitants, I strive to do the least harm possible in what I do. I choose to live my life authentically and passionately and I hope I can bring some light to some of you as well as have some light shared with me. 

To end my intro I will quote part of my favorite book 'Freedom from the known' by Jiddu Krishnamurti
" It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Here is my faceborg to prove it is actually me, my most recent post is about steemit!


Wow. Thanks for sharing a bit of your background. This was a good post, and the writing is not that bad. I loved the Kirshnamurt quote at the end.

Thanks Sterlin, I shall continue to practice. As a dyslexic this is pretty tough, but I have the passion to drive me.
Thanks again, people like you really motivate and inspire me.

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