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RE: musings of a voluntaryist/anarchist/libertarian

in #anarcho-capitalism9 years ago

Please if you have message could you try and communicate it so people reading it can understand ???
Anyone who is against the modern political animal that is devouring humanity is my friend; but you will not win converts to destroying these vermin unless you arrange a message ordinary people can understand...
Please do not be disillusioned, modern politicians are vermin scum and law abiding citizens do not need a lot of extra convincing to dislike these scum even more.
After all, it was official USA government departments in the past who stated; "the only good Indian is a dead Indian", and; 'terminate with extreme prejudice'.
If only people truly understood the greatest risk to democracy today is not foreign terrorist groups but rather political liars who are to lazy to even try and tell the truth !!!
Remember if you read the constitution and examine the requirements of some one to sit for public office; 200 million Americans would and could qualify to serve in Congress; except that 199,999,500 people have to much self respect to sell themselves out and decide public pan handling is a better reward than simple self respect...
Think about it; maybe the earlier USA government departments had a realistic point when talking about people like this...
C U on the BC ;)
/hugz :)