SEX Are We Being Programmed?

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


Humans need connection, its part of our blueprint and connection to essence. One of the most profound and beautiful connections we can exchange is through SEX. Where we get naked with each other's souls, where we can be vulnerable with our fears and embrace one another's humanness. Where we can just simply be our authentic self. Beyond the princesses makeup and the prince's armour and just be entirely comfortable in who we are.

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But in reality how many of us have this connection? How many of us are lost in the longing for depth and settling for emptiness? Why is it so difficult for us to connect to our heart? Why don't we feel deserving enough to be honored and cherished? Why do people settle for manipulative partners that lie and cheat? Why do humans treat other humans like disposable goods? Let's dive a little deeper and see how humanity has changed and could our authentic connection be being manipulated?

The Tinder Generation

The world has changed dramatically over the past decade, and we've never been so connected and disconnected at the same time. With countless dating sites and apps at our fingertips, are we opening up to more possible connections or are we losing in love? I'm not discrediting those that have been helped through these sites, I'm questioning is technology programming a proportion of the population and feeding off their deepest woundings. Is high tech hooking into our lack of self-worth? In a generation which seeks validation via selfies, are these platforms an extensions of our own inability to find our self-worth from inside? Food for thought.


Are we spellbound by the box in our hands?

If we dive a little deeper, according to studies by Dr Mehrabian only 7% of our communication is through the spoken word. That's the SPOKEN word, not the TEXTED word. If the majority of our communication is unconscious then it is hard to discern a person's character via a face on a screen and text on our phones. Add to this that anyone can portray a false self online, is the internet a breeding ground for the modern narcissistic? Are they programmed to pray on their victims, to seduce and suck them in via superficial charm and filtered photos? What's interesting about narcissists is that they are not born they are created. Is there a collective program running to create and breed narcissist traits? Are we being programmed to disconnect from our hearts, our true power and why?

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If this is the case and society is creating people who are self-obsessed and self-absorbed. Could this be the perfect plan for the few in control, to get the masses not caring about one another? Allowing them to do as they please because simply no one will care. It's also worth noting that to be successful currently (I know this will change) narcissism seems to be a quality that many CEOs, world leaders, spiritual leaders, etc need to thrive. So if the seeking and finding of love and connection are becoming programmed how about the way we have sex and what is the aim?

Nudes our temples uploaded to the cloud

Nudes why are we sending them? Please do not take my words as judgment. My aim is to always question and to help others question. In innerstanding the truth, we can be sent free and move from slavery to sovereignty. My job is to help you do this in your emotional world, and the main theme I see in my practice is problems with relationships and sex, and an increasing number of people unable to maintain healthy connections.

If we think about nudes, the body is our temple our sacred space that is an honor to share. Do we really want to share our sacred space with someone we've never met and a virtual cloud? When young girls some pre-puberty are sharing nudes, as a way of seeking validation from boys, we have a problem in society. It is up to us as the adults to show and educate the younger generation that they do not need to do that, that they are enough just being them. However to do this, we have to set the example we have to show the way and that the real value and measure of a person is their heart, how they treat others, how they treat the earth and animals, not the validation of our external appearance.


Sexing The New Foreplay?

Porn Programming

Pornographic material has gone from a cheesy storyline and some soft light to full on complete violence and degradation of the feminine. Why you may wonder? Well, a woman's womb is a sacred holy space, its the place of creation not only of new life but also to birth a new reality. When we are living through our hearts we become more powerful than we could ever imagine and when we use it to connect to one another we create new ways of being, and that is a threat to the system.

As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, similarly, the living entity is covered by different degrees of this lust. - Bhagavad Gita

Not only is a women womb incredibly magical equally a man's seed is. What better way to control the masses by manipulating our warrior men into wasting their vital life-force to a screen while simultaneously programming them to think less of women. Porn is one of the many ways that the matrix system is using divide and conquer to rule. It is a New World Order tactic to divide the sexes and porn is the perfect program for their sick agenda.

Heres a few statistics from:

-Enough porn was watched in 2016 on this one website that all the data would fill 194,000,000 USB sticks. If you put the USB sticks end to end, they'd wrap all the way around the moon.

-In 2017 alone, Pornhub got 28.5 BILLION visits. That's almost 1,00 visits a second, or 78.1 million a day—way more than the population of the entire United Kingdom.

-In 2016, 91,980,225,000 videos were watched on Pornhub. That's 12.5 videos for every person on the planet.

-Also, more than 4,599,000,000 hours of porn were watched on the site in just one year. That's equal to 5,246 centuries

. -"Step mom," "mom," and "step sister" topped the charts in 2017 for some of the most searched terms on the site. That's right, incest.

STD Sexual Transmitted Demons

When you have sex, you are energetically corded to the other person. This is beautiful in a loving connection. When it is not so appealing is when the relationship isn't one that is based on love and mutual respect, but one based on feeding one another wounding.

Sex is one of the many ways we use to firefight our deepest wounds. When our unconscious wounds are trigged we use things to sooth them. Common soothers include food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling, drugs, porn and sex. Why do we do this? Because when we are in pain when we are suffering we naturally want to feel better and these are some of the quick fixes we use. What we often forget with these ways of self-medication is we can feel worse and could be left with more feelings of shame and guilt.

This is our internal world, but there are also a host of beings that are not visible to the human eye that will literally have a feast on our sexual energy. I'm not an expert on this subject, but I do know sex can drain and sex can energize you. It can be healing or harmful and all things in the middle. Be mindful of who you share your body with. Just as we need to be mindful of Sexual Transmitted Diseases, we also need to be mindful around Sexual Transmitted Demons.

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Could Technology be blocking Human Potential?

Is technology stopping human potential? Technology is controlled by the few and pushed on the many. What if the technology we really need is inside? What if all these external programmes are preventing us from evolving into the loving sovereign race we a have the birth right to be?

Here's a few ways I believe that we can reach our human potential;

Work on your wounds, turn them into wisdom. Become curious about your triggers internally and externally. This enables you to step into your true authentic self.

Get energetically clean and be mindful of where you put your energy. Toxicity doesn't just come from the foods we eat, it also comes from the relationships we have, what we watch (hence the porn program) read, see, etc. All these subliminal programs can program the unconscious mind, so if you can engage in high vibrational activities. This is not to judge its just to bring into your awareness that everything is energy and the denser the energy the longer it takes to transmute.

When you begin to step into your authenticity, you can start to work on your purpose. What are you here to do? What is your legacy and what do you want to anchor into this reality. We all have divine gifts to share.

Respect your fellow human and the earth. It changes your internal and external world when you begin to have authentic compassion for each other and the planet.

If you are in a relationship or looking for one, this is an excellent phase to remember. "I'll look after me for you, you look after you for me.' So what that means is do your own work try not to change another. When we do this we move beyond co-dependant relationships and into co-creation.

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Be More, Be Excellent, Be YOU!


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