The Goal of the State: A Public Service Announcement

in #anarchy6 years ago

Keep Calm... No One is Coming to Help


Please do not be alarmed. There will be no help coming from the State. The fictional concept of "government" which is made up of people percieved to have a monopoly on violence and some divine right to write laws into existence through ridiculous rituals is not here to help you, it's here to beat you.

It will beat you with codes, rules and regulations...

It will beat you with taxes, fines and restrictions...

It will beat you with billy clubs, bean bags and water cannons...

It will (try) to beat down the mind, body and soul of the individual through these and a myriad of other ways that try to restrict individual freedom. It will do this through order-following lap dogs that carry out acts dictated by sociopaths without applying any critical thought or concept of morality or natural law much less an understanding of such precepts.

If someone is coming, and they're wearing a state uniform, they're probably coming to beat you in some way shape or form.

And no one is coming to help.

Not from the State. Not from "government."
They're the ones doing the beating!

Help Yourself!

So, no one is coming to help you....
except you and the people you help.

You can even (try) to help agents of the State in hopes they won't try to beat you later on. Or, sometimes, beat you for trying to help them in the first place. But this activity is not advised because of the aforementioned increased risk of beating.

For this reason the average, honest, freedom-loving individual would most likely be better off focusing on helping themselves (first) and then others. This may seem selfish but realistically if one can't help themselves, how could one even begin to help others?


Keep Calm and Help Yourself

Because no one is coming to help.


This has been a public service announcement sponsored by @anarchoaahabb, in support of #minnowuprising and the #informationwar and for freedom.
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Damnit boy.

Keep saying things like this.

I love how half the times I get a notification that someone posted in #agorism, it's you. Glad you like the #anarcho-steemian pic :)

Thanks man!
I'll make my own one day soon. 😁

No need man. I made it to be used exactly like you are.