polycentric community

in #anarchy8 years ago

Written by Abdun Nur

Polycentric community

‘Poly’- (many) centric (cardinal point- something on which other things hinge); to have many centres of importance: a plurality of independent centres of communities existing within this proposed structure as a natural equitable system.

The origin of the word "community" comes from the Latin munus, which means the gift, and cum, which means together, among each other; so community literally means ‘to give among each other’.

The first community we all enjoy is the family, the clinical psychopaths now imposing their insanity upon the world stated this.

"The family is now one of the major obstacles to improved mental health, and hence should be weakened, if possible, so as to free individuals and especially children from the coercion of family life." - International Congress on Mental Health, London, 1948

Hierarchy is the opposite of common unity, which is the true expression of community, the soulless psychopaths that create and dominate hierarchies seek to remove all forms of community because it is in dichotomy to community, which is always anarchic, these two forms of social cohesion are mutually exclusive. Division and isolation are the desires of hierarchy, while camaraderie and unity in purpose are the desires of community. This division is the basis of hierarchical control.

Hierarchy imposes purpose, these are the dictates of slavery, while community creates definiteness of purpose; this is the starting point of all achievement.

With hierarchy you are a ship at sea without a rudder, powerless and without direction, to be easy prey for pirates. In community you are within the protection of common unity upon the land, each soul standing in defence of the other.

Community is an extension of family, although family within hierarchical systems is reduced to a subsistence form. In community family is no longer a genetic bond, but a spiritual one, the very fabric of community is founded upon the binding bilateral surety (which must be revived), so when hardships arise the people stand as one without flinching.

In Britain the polycentric system existed before 1066 evident from many surviving elements. The 'Lineal Hidage' document established within Offa‘s reign (757-796), presents the polycentric community structure of small autonomous communities, the word ‘Hidage’ means unit, and describes a lineal unit; a polycentric nodal community system without sovereignty, based on natural equity and bound in agreement society, within the surety model. The remnants of this old system are still present today within the market town and village organisation of communities throughout Britain.

The hidas are the lands each held by one family, the hida was divided into four virgates each around 30 to 40 acres, these were divided in yardlands a measure of land varying from fifteen to forty acres. So at most a family hida was 120 acres or 40 hectares, at the time of the ‘Lineal Hidage’ around 250,000 hidas were recorded.

A local regional market town 'Hub', comprising of many self governing communities circling it as village 'Nodes'; the hub would form a area market, and allow area community debate of objectives that would involve multiple autonomous local communities, and so the exchange of ideas in the development and improvements of the area. In this way each autonomous community would have easy and natural access to more than one hub. Replication of nodes would be a natural expansion of the model, as the community grew larger, land allocation would set people further afield, so making them in effect a new node as they established a new centre, which in turn could build out into a new hub. This also allows for natural diversity, as upon the basic foundations of the natural equitable agreement an infinite number of possible environments could be established. Within any community there is of course no compulsion to stay, any member can leave or new members join as they wished, however you cannot have a community of strangers, so as the group grows larger it spreads and divides.

It maybe said there is not enough land to apply this model, but if you look at land utilisation in the UK, being a very densely populated land mass, the population only utilisation 3% of the land area, the rest is held by the sovereigns, there truly is no shortage of land for community utilisation anywhere on earth, it is theorise the entire population of the earth at present could live just in the State of Texas, the establishment has promoted the baseless lie of overpopulation for decades.

Structured on Binding Agreements

Community was always structured on Binding Agreements in the past, but with the advent and dominance of feudalism, constructed fictions of laws, contract and corporation this form of binding agreement to a living soul is no longer used, hence the imposition and dominance of corporate structures of control.

A soul’s word is their bond, is a valuable and true adage, and can be brought back into its rightful position at the forefront of community if the binding system is understood again and applied.

The corporate system use force or the threat of force to impose the policy of the corporation, to this end the use of a police (policy) force (enforcers) serve the purpose of maintaining corporate order; in contrast within a natural community the binding agreement structure upholds the order of equitable conduct using predetermined relief for all wrongs within a written sealed and witnessed agreement, that is fully consented to beforehand.

There are four basic forms of community related binding agreements:

Binding Surety – these are reciprocal agreements that bind individuals together in mutual guarantee, demonstrating to others trust between the bound individuals so by association they engender trust externally, the more binding surety an individual has established the greater that perception of trust to those around them. The binding surety is externally used in protection of default of advancements of labour, relief in arbitration of dispute, and remedy in dishonour of trading agreements.

Bindings of Behaviour – these are unilateral binding agreements. These give a binding declaration to those directly affected in relation to the binding agreements stated relevance, to immediate action from inequitable behaviour by the bondsman, with punitive substantive relief declared in advance to provide trust, and afford guarantee to others.

Bindings of Assurance – these are symbiotic reciprocal agreements. These provide assurance from risk, and are taken out for protection, peace of mind, or benefit. (Similar to insurance)

Cooperative Bindings – these are reciprocal agreements between a bound group of individuals and the bondsman. These are the foundation of a cooperative business, the men and women within the cooperative holding a binding agreement which they can sell when they wish to leave the cooperative; which gives the outline of their expected behaviour and punitive substantive relief if that binding agreement is broken; which also gives the share within the cooperative and the structure of increase available.


The structure of community is not democracy (See: The Nature of Democracy), for example, if there are 100 people and a park is suggested to the group, the idea is explained and a location suggested, the group interested in such a project firstly establish there is no conflict to the idea or location, the proponent of the idea then asks the 100 people who would like to contribute to the venture, only those individuals who wish to contribute, actually do contribute, no imposed burden is enforced upon the group at large.

There are four areas of local community services:

  1. Community services of a self funding utilitarian nature, such as waste removal (if it has no tradable value), street cleaning, and sewage treatment, would be self funding, waste has a value, and recycling waste is profitable.
  1. Community services of an assurance system utilitarian nature, paid if used, such as water purification, community roads, energy (if free energy systems have not been established); street lighting, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, doctors, dentists, etc. would be paid for through cooperative assurance system.
  1. The assurance system extends to car, disaster, life, resources, wherever assurance is wanted, based upon a binding agreement payment that is returnable upon leaving that specific collective pot, and yearly contribution to each central pot for each assurance required, with any surplus at the end of a year, after claims, divided up proportionately to the original contribution paid and used to contribute to the next years costs.
  1. Community services and infrastructure of a communal nature such as, the court, fire brigade, championing the causes of the weak, community buildings, parks, historic buildings, museums, community performances, etc. mainly combination of freely given donations, and voluntary labours.

The members of the community have no jurisdiction, there are no borders to escape accountability the entire universe is within the determination of relief. There is no authority to steal, there is no superior to impose authored fictions, and no mandate of a majority will within a fictional justification of community, so they can be no demand of any share, at all, of your honestly earned monies or labours.

The soulless psychopaths have removed the skill of reasoning and imposed the Prussian school system of memorisation and regurgitation of authoritative fictions, the serpent that seduces perception is the Sophist – meaning, 'One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation'. Sophist arguments confuse perception and action, but are difficult to identify without the skill of reasoning. Sophism argues for conformity to officialism, which function in contrast, and opposition to natural duty or affection, the serpent has no venom, but it’s placebo effect kills a host of souls.