RE: Anarchy Isn't Rioters and Vandalism
Violence is a tactic.
Diversity of tactics is essential to not being ignored.
How much exposure are the nonviolent getting the ideals required to have anarchy?
I agree that we will not war our way to peace.
Hating will not bring us love and healing.
But, until the average moron stops being passionate about their apathy, what we have is what we get.
Insurrectionary anarchists keep the stew stirred.
We serve as a reminder to others that rule by force is the disease.
Our difference is that when folks stop pointing guns and telling us what to do, we won't step in their place behind our guns, we go back to the farm.
If you are an anarchist, by definition you are an enemy of the state.
Please don't bash those of us that are willing to sacrifice our freedom in hopes of securing your's.
If you prefer to remain passive in the face of being controlled by thugs, please don't bash those of us who are not.
We got enough problems with cops without 'anarchists' siding with them.
I'm not siding with the cops, I'm saying misguided violent "activism" is destructive to the cause of liberty. If violence harms the people you need as your allies against the State, it drives them into believing the State protects them from hooligans, and enemies of the State are their enemies too. We need to be free to criticize the means of those whose ends we approve, because the ends they will achieve are contained in the means they choose.
We need to draw a distinction between initiatory aggression and self-defense. Violence can indeed be necessary in the latter case. However, we must always strive to avoid committing the former when exercising the latter, and there are way too many self-professed "anarchists" who fail utterly at this.
I suggest reading Ben Stone's book Sedition, Subversion, and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1.
Lol, i did read that when he first got here.
I'm just defending my part in the revolution.
I put my life in peril to bring my part of freedom to all.
The 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars it cost them to deal with me put pressures on joe schmoe to pay more tax, at some point joe says no, and that is the point that must be reached, if anarchy is to appear.
To diminish my contribution because it doesnt fit into a neat package needed to be rebuffed, imo.
I think we can agree that entering the free speech cages and ranting will only be ignored, or shadow banned.
I also agree that insurrection must fit into the larger strategic planning that includes the militantly nonviolent.
It is bad form to get teargas rained on the family outings, and put kids in peril, they don't get a choice of which side of the rule by force divide to be on.
Thanks for bringing your part, too.
Together we can end rule by force.