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RE: The Nature of the Beast (Anarchapulco 2018)

in #anarchy6 years ago

The most known creator of Anarcho-capitalism conception is Rothbard - that's true.
Ayn Rand didn't see the way Anarcho-capitalism can work without violence.
This was the imperfection of her point of view.
By saying "Ayn Rand have said so much nonsense" You should explain why You think so.


Ok, I made some warming up comments to Ayn Rand, in the Part 3 @1.00 into the audio/video:

I would like to read your comment to what I say about Ayn Rand in that video? And if you mind sending me your 3 favorite quotes from Ayn Rand, then I will appreciate it (and use it for my next video where I will be talking).

I will probably talk in greater details about Ayn Rand later today.


  • "As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation — or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown." Philosophy: Who Needs It, 5

  • "There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns."

  • "Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."

For a fuller view of her thoughts I recommend this:

First of all, she reject anarchism and statism at the same time, which is a contradiction, since you will need to have one of them.

Second of all, it was very clear to me that there was something wrong with her philosophy, when I understood that most working for SAXOBANK in Denmark, had her book as their bible. I didn't look into it at the time, but now I know exactly what is wrong:

She is NOT an anarchist and people working for a huge investment bank are all crony capitalists, living of a coercive bank system, that is breaking the non aggression principal all time by definition in anarcho capitalism.

So Ayn Rand's work is complete garbage.

Can anyone give any statement about anything not knowing it?
I consider myself an Anarcho-capitalist and still .... I am in favor of Rand's philosophy. I think they play excellent together. Mrs. Rand misjudged Anarcho-capitalism, but on almost every other matter she was right.
I encourage You to read her books. Best order:

  • The Fountainhead
  • Atlas Shrugged
  • The Virtue of Selfishness

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