Friends, brothers, Steemian! Lend me your ears!

in #anarchy7 years ago

Guys, lemme get serious for a minute and write something from deep inside me. Read to the end it'll be worth it.

We're changing the world here. This world is hurting. This world needs help.

Steem is helping us all to make the world a better place. Allow me to hilight a few projects I've come across on here that have moved me to action.

  1. @steembasicincome. I've given almost every profit I've made on steem to this project. You can check my wallet to confirm. I just now sponsored two more shares tonight because of something I came across that's absolutely game changing, leading us to the other project
  2. Go read that. Those two are onto something here. We're gonna get deep tonight because this project is speaking to my soul right now.
  3. @shadowbot. I talk daily to the dev in charge of shadowbot, @bigdeej. His heart is in this. He's making steem a better place by harnessing the power of people en masse. Go join shadowbot, you'll be glad you did.


I'm an anarchist. You people know this. If that's a problem, don't leave. Look at my example. Am I burning shit down? Am I destroying society? Am I killing anyone? No. That's not what anarchy is. That's what force and coercion are, and we abhor that activity.

Now I want to tell you what I'm seeing on steem. I call it steem because that's the blockchain we're on. We're not on steemit. We could be on busy, steemit, dtube, whatever. It's all on steem. That's where this is happening.

I'm seeing charity. People are coming together and lifting up their community. No emergencies necessary.
I'm seeing profit. Enrichment both in capital and relationships.
I'm seeing social progress. Mutual benefit! People are here to help themselves and their community and causes they believe in. Simultaneously!

That's what this is. That's how the world progresses. Not through social programs like food stamps or college. We progress by personally helping folks.

See, I believe that we are held back by taxes. They are supposed to fund all these great things, but for every banana they're used to buy with food stamps, someone gets a bomb dropped on their house. Every new president that's supposed to do great things goes off and sends someone else's kid to defend drug interests in some place he doesn't have the balls to go himself.

People don't give to charity like they should. They figure the government will take care of it. They don't help people because:
A. They think it's being done for them, and
B. They're having money, the product of their labor, taken from them.
It's not a sustainable system. And it's a system that pushes us apart. People have no connection to anyone they "help" via taxes. They're mad when they see people use it. Because it was wrenched away from them by force, against their will, under threat of death!

Steem helps. Read that project. Look at people using this space, this blockchain, to bring people to a place to sleep or eat, or to help attract people to help on a project. That's bringing folks together. That is using this tool as it was intended. That is using cryptocurrency as it was made to be. We're here to make the world better. Let's showcase and hilight those parts that do that.

This is something that needs resteemed. Education is key, and people need exposed to this. I'll give .11 SBD to the first six people to resteem this post. That's all I have left that's liquid on here. Lmk in a comment when you resteem so I can check and get you your reward. That means that in essence, I probably won't make enough on upvotes to make this post profitable, which is absolutely fine by me as long as the word gets out. I'm not here just for money.

This is something I believe in. This is relevant. This is why we are all here doing what we do.

Stay relevant y'all. And help others.



Sounds good, wish i understood more

You understand what you need to. Social progress. Doing the right thing. Helping people.

I gave it a resteem bud. I enjoy all your posts, you seem sincere in all you've posted and i appreciate your exit line, because indeed your posts are "relevant"


Thanks man! I appreciate you spreading the world. Those guys are really onto something good with their project.

I hope to check out the articles/info more during our trip tomorrow!

I resteemed your post....but don't want the .11 sbd if I happen to be within the 6 first.

Great idea's happening it

You sure?

It's a big idea and it got me so fired up that I'm down to pay for it to be spread. You're the third to resteem.

Yes I'm sure. I don't even know how much that is lol, but I do not need it.
Maybe give it to someone who could use it, or to number 7....or whatever you want.

Peace :)

You, sir, are a badass.

Thank you sir, I'm a woman badass then. hihi ;) You can't see that in the reply of course. Happens all the time..I believe a lot of people think I'm a man still.. lol.

You, ma'am, are a badass*

Sorry for that lol

I’m actually a believer In taxes. I know, I know, I made you cry, but hear me out. Countries with the highest taxes ( north European countries, Scandinavian and where I live, the Netherlands) have the happiest people!
I do believe that taxes work if they are spend correctly and make sure that people have a safety net before falling into poverty. This doesn’t mean I believe it’s enough, and that I should t give. The system isn’t perfect, and also there are many others in the world that need help.
I’m happy to pay my heavy taxes, as long as there aren’t people that can’t get medical care. I’m happy to pay my taxes, as long as all children can eat and also get subsidized to do sports if their parents can’t afford it. I’m happy to pay high taxes if all children can get an education and have a chance to go to university. If dads can take leave on the codt of the state after their child is born, just like mums. As long as people don’t have to work two jobs. Etc. it’s not the taxes that are a problem, as long as we take care of each other. And I believe in the Netherlands the system works, not perfectly, but there is no perfect.

Lol you didn't make me cry, I promise. I read everything here with my mind as open as I can have it, with the goal of being able to open it even more.

I understand where you're coming from, as taxation was created to do good things, but the market has shown time and time again that the private sector is vastly more efficient at charity work than government. At least in the US. Not sure your situation in the Netherlands.

So imagine if people had MORE money to put into a more efficient system! If you had the choice to donate your money to a system that is more efficient and effective, wouldn't you choose that system?

I do understand where you are comming from as well. I think that it is a matter of scale and heritage. Europe after the war needed a social system to build up the countries again. Even the most right-wing parties will not let go of this social system, as people see it as a basic right to have medical care, education , etc. but the scale of our country is tiny. The USA is so great ( not trump great :-) that it is much more difficult to run efficiently. Privatization in our country only have made certain elements less efficient and more profit focused ( public transport for instance), therefore privatization has a bad connotation here.
I think that as long as a government is not corrupt, and a country is quite small, centralized power in a government with democracy ,I think,is still the least bad form of politics

All of that is hard for me to comprehend. An efficient government is beyond my understanding. You and I probably agree greatly about the president here.

So when you say that even the most right wing people accept the social programs in your country, do y'all not have anarchists over there? There seems to be a larger number here every day that are drawn to fundamentalist liberty.

How are the property rights over there? That's a big point for anarchists/libertarians, and I understand it has historically been of paramount importance to the Dutch. Is that still the case?

Indeed, I would not have voted for Trump if I was an USA citizen, but I did vote quite right wing in the last election. It wa a strategic vote to make sure extreme right wouldn’t get the main portion and would rule. We have a lot more flavors to choose from.
I think our healthcare was very similar to what Bernie Sanders proposed, but it is certainly not perfect, and is starting to cost the poorest still too much money ( as there is an own risk of 400 euro, but this is not on visits to hospital or doctors, but is on medicine, which means that if you are chronically ill, your costs are yearly)
Our system is similar to US that we pay insurance, the whole of Netherlands pays it, but the government decides how much insurance we pay, and the poorest get money back on their tax. Children are free, adults cost about 1200 euro a year. The government also decided which essentials are covered in the insurance ( the basic rights to see a doctor and get treated) and the cost of own risk. The government even goes and negotiated with pharmaceutical companies about the cost of new medicine and the coverage with insurance companies. So not anarchistic at all, quite controlled by the government actually. I would prefer a system like England actually, where healthcare is completely controlled by the government, and is free for everybody (NHS). So nobody pays directly.
It has its flaws as well, but at least everybody gets treated, always. The costs are rising, and people are complaining, as well, so there is no perfect. But I would want this over the fact that people need to start raising money to get treated for deseases.

I’m intrigued what you mean with property rights. I’m not familiar with what you are revering to.
I own a house, but bought it via the bank, and have a mortgage. I think that is similar to everywhere else.

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I will follow you.

Zero posts, tons of the same comments.

Flagged. You're the opposite of this post.

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