I wanted to introduce everyone to my kitty, Kibbles! I love her sooo much! She's soo fluffy and she had kittens about 6 months ago. Her eyes are so yellow, and her whiskers are so long!
This maybe a little blurry, but she's still pretty, and I will make another blog about the dogs another day..
But I figured Kibbles would make to short of a post, so here is Archie! First thing you need to know about Archie, is that she is Kibbles daughter.
This is my favorite, I really like her pattern, and she got kibbies eyes <3
Archie likes staring into your soul... She's a true mystical creature.
Shhhh, Archie is sleeping! When she is awake, she's a real toilet paper shredder...
She's like "Bye Bye!" She took off.