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RE: 8 Benefits Of Having a Dog

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

OMG there are soooo many benefits to having a dog...or 5! haha my home would not be the same without my 5 dogs, they make me feel safe and they give me unconditional love and I love them unconditionally back. They make me happy when I am sad. They make me exercise when I want to be lazy. They help my autistic/tourettes syndrome son when he is having a meltdown or a tourettes attack. So many more things!me n fiddy.jpg


Is there no limit on how many dogs you can have where you are, or are they a special case due to being therapy dogs / emotional support animals etc? Where I am you can only legally have two dogs.

no, there are no laws restricting anyone from owning 5 dogs, in fact I know some people who have lots more! I think if you live in rented property you probably are restricted by the landlord, but as we own our house, we can have as many as we like :) (although 5 is enough, I am running out of room haha)

Hmm fair enough. I assumed other places would have had a limit too. I'm guessing the laws we have is to prevent people getting more animals than they can take care of and ultimately neglecting them but it would be nicer if maybe it was a 3 or something dog limit instead of 2. If people have the time and resources to care for them, 2 seems a little stricter and more limited than it needs to be. I think the limit should be a little higher than 2. Though yes, landlords also restrict things. We can't have dogs or anything where we are renting, only fish and things that go in fish tanks (red cherry shrimp are pretty adorable - you just can't interact with them like you could with a dog or a cat).

which country do you live in?

oh wow! I wasn't expecting it to be Australia! I don't know why but I thought you would have similar laws to the UK.

I think in Portugal you can have as many dogs you want, if you live in your own house. I'm not aware of a max number. In a flat, though, rented or not, you can only have max of 2 dogs. So I guess laws are different! I live in a rented flat and only have one dog. My landlord accepts the fact that I have a dog, as long as I take responsibility for any damages on the flat (which are none, to date haha). I think if you own the property, you should be able to have as many as you want, (though having 10 is probably not a good idea!) as long as it doesn't affect other people and you can provide the care for them.
The landlord in the flat I lived before didn't allow any pets either. I moved to this other flat and now I can have one. If you really want one and don't mind moving, it might be worth to do a research on flats with landlords that accept pets :)

Aww I love that picture 😍5 dogs sounds like a lot of fun, love, cuteness and happiness!!! I learnt about unconditional love with my dog.. no matter what happens we'll always love them.. and they always love us too! It's a wonderful thing. It's wonderful that they help your son. Before I got a dog I could think of a lot of disadvantages of having one.. now I can only think about the benefits. (95% of times hehe) The love of a pets can heal the soul :) Thank you for sharing your lovely story <3

Yeeeeee nice dog . Real muscles what you feeding him with @beatifulbullies. He doesnt look like he plays nice 😂😂

haha she is only a baby still and is very gentle :) She wouldn't hurt a fly!

A baby !! she would be real big then. Am real relived she is nice and cuddly.