Tiny Lizard in the Middle of Winter | Little Brown Skink (Scincella lateralis)

in #animals5 years ago (edited)

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I was hanging out at my off grid cabin today

and clearing out some of my garden that had been frozen. In this case my Jalapeños. As I tossed one of the peppers I saw something move. I could not believe my eyes. It looked like a tiny salamander.

I thought what is a salamander doing running around

in the woods during the winter? It looked as though it was basking in the sun (just like me). That is not something a salamander usually does. I grabbed my smartphone and tried to get closer. It was very wary.

This is what I got

Salamander upclose.jpeg

I have heard, and slightly seen, these for a long time

Today I have GOTCHA verified.

I verified my little friend here
Little Brown Skink: VHS

This little bugger was hard to spy on

It is smaller around than a pencil, and bulletFAST. But now I know what I am looking for when I hear the bullet shooting across the leaf litter of the forest floor.

Later, Cy Brown

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