Our planet is crumbling to pieces and you don't give a Fu*k.

in #animals7 years ago

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Don't tell me you don't enjoy having these things - clean drinking water, fresh air and nutritious food or living for that matter.

It is absolutely no secret that Animal agriculture is the MAIN cause of Climate change. People tend to shut off their brain the same way when someone mutters the words "work", "vegan" or "aren't you on a diet?". No one wants to hear it but truth is, no one will be able to hear anything if we carry on the way we do.

Would you enjoy standing, eating and sleeping in your own feces for your entire life?

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So, for people who aren't aware of this catastrophe - Animal agriculture is basically eating away at the only home we have. Literally, methane gas is eating our atmosphere! Waste leakage being exposed into clean water, contaminating fish and natural biospheres, THE AMOUNT of water used to sustain Animal agriculture is completely insane, let me give you some figures here. Animal agriculture is responsible for using 34-76 TRILLION GALLONS of water PER YEAR!

The act of Animal agriculture is at an alarming pace leading our home to complete lifelessness.
This planet would THRIVE without human beings.

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  • 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of BEEF.
  • 477 gallons of water are required to produce 1lb. of EGGS.
  • Almost 900 gallons of water are needed for 1lb. of CHEESE.
  • 1,000 gallons of water are required to produce 1 gallon of MILK.
  • Animal Agriculture is responsible for 20%-33% of all fresh water consumption in the world today.
  • Livestock takes 1/3 of the Earth's ice-free land!!! Let that sink in...
  • 500 Nitrogen flooded DEAD-ZONES causes by livestock operations.

To feed these animals - ACRES AND ACRES of forest need to be DESTROYED!

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This industry is KILLING our planet. Where are you going to immigrate to once all our resources are tired?
The voice in most peoples head right now goes as follows, "I'll be dead, so it won't matter.", "Humans were made to eat meat and I can't live without the flesh of anther being.", "This person needs to get laid and chill."

We are facing the LARGEST MASS EXTINCTION in 65 years!
All for the digestion of something that once ate, pooped and reproduced once too.

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Source - http://www.cowspiracy.com/facts/


After I watched Cowspiricy I was devastated, as I realized the situation. Humanity deserves to be wiped out. It is not about stopping all meat and animal-related food, it is about reducing it to minimum. My grandmother told me that when she was young the family would eat meat 2-3 times a year during feasts when the animals were sacrificed. Think about that. For all that have not watched the movie, I strongly recommend it. @whatalife did you watch the movie just recently?

Thank you sooooo much for this comment @gabchik!! Much appreciated. And people have to watch these documentaries. People need to WAKE UP.
I've watched them all. Must watch. Namaste.

Thank you! Sending positive vibes your way!

Brilliant! Inspiring and enlightening! I suppose it's great i am now a vegetarian and no longer contributing to the global disaster. Followed, resteemed and upvoted. Good day!

This is such an incredible comment. Thank you so much @steam-roller. Much appreciated. Namaste.

My pleasure! We root for the same team and as team mates we fight for the same goals. Keep at it! I enjoyed reading this post with a smile.

I also noticed how difficult it was to live without meat. I would compare my first two weeks to the struggles off a smoker who decided to give up cigarettes. So, i now believe there are chemicals in the meat which keeps us attached but i haven't gone as far as finding something conclusive as off yet.

Good blog, we need to educate the people about this

Absolutely @talisman10. 100% Never stop raising awareness. It's the only thing we can do.

I think you're right some people don't care. It is difficult to put my head around the whole issue. Most people get emotional, and launch data that is not always factual [on both sides of the issue].

like does not help anyone.jpg
I was always taught, if you believe in something - do something.

If you think climate change is an issue, do something. Spend your weekend planting trees, for example. There are all kinds of examples of people doing just that ... one tree at a time.

Alan Savoy in his TED talk, showed just planting trees is not enough. You need plants and animals in concert to heal the land, which can heal the climate.


When you put how you feel into action, you make a difference in the world. If you sit at home and 'feel' something, the only thing that changes is you. The rest of the world continues to turn, and turn, and ...

One of the few presentations on climate change that resonates with me is Gabe Brown's presentation on treating a farm as an ecosystem. Now here is someone who walks the walk.

Here is the first part of the presentation, if you 'feel' passionately about climate change, there are some good and effective actions to be taken. Watch all 5 parts, if you dare.

And remember Love and Care are what you do, not what you feel.

PS Cows are not the problem, mismanagement of cows is perhaps.

Thanks for spreading the word.

And I will never stop! Not even for a moment. @shapeshifter. Thank you for your support.

Better a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth right?

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