Anime Recommendation - Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
I just got done binging the crap out of Juni Taisen: Zodiac War, and oh my goodness it was excellent. So many unexpected twists had me wondering who was going to win this battle royale style competition all the way up until the end. I highly recommend giving this show a shot. At only 12 episodes, this show is perfect to binge in one or two settings.
There are both sub and dub versions now, so go get to watching!
From what I've heard, it's worse version of Fate/Zero and since I found that one average at best, there's not much reason to be interested in Juuni Taisen.
It is very similar to Fate/Zero, but I enjoyed it all the same. I mean with both being battle royale winner take all type contests, there is going to be overlap.