
The image you posted is the primary source of value for your post or you have posted an image in a curated and/or artistic tag (photography, art, etc.) without attribution or source. By doing so you are claiming to be the content creator and that the image is original to yourself.

Plagiarism is the copying & pasting of others work without giving credit to the original author or artist. This includes manually reproducing the work of others.

Repeated plagiarism is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #disputes on Discord

Hi! It’s great to have you here, however we do not support content where you don’t have the owing rights or permission to use the pictures. You are only allowed to post images of where you can prove to have the permission. In the future you will be able to share content that's not yours, but without receiving rewards for it. Please keep that in mind for your future posts, in order to avoid being flagged! Thanks 🙏🏽

Oops! I wont let such repeat itself. Would be mindful of the kinda image i'm gonn' be using on my future post. Thanks!!

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