How to send virtual postcards

Many wishes, Francesca! No, a simple SMS is not enough. You need a postcard. As I have not said, it is Sunday. Where can I find a postcard on Sunday? There are. You need an electronic card! Yes, an original and funny postcard that arrives via email and contains very special birthday wishes. On the other hand, eighteen years of age are completed only once in life. How do you say? It really sounds like a beautiful finding but you don't have the slightest idea of where to find beautiful virtual postcards for greetings, congratulations and anything else? Don't worry, I can help you. Give me a few minutes of your precious time and I will explain everything to you.

With this guide of mine today I would like to explain how to send you virtual postcards thanks to a whole series of fantastic websites useful for the purpose in question. They are almost all completely free, easy to use, accessible from any web browser and full of postcards of all kinds. In short, in the end you will undoubtedly be able to find something you like. How do you say? More than from a computer, you have the habit of acting as a smartphone and would therefore like to know if there is any useful resource even in this case? But of course, there would be no more! For the sake of complete information, you will find a selection of ad hoc applications that I have prepared for you. Also in this case, they are zero cost instruments (or at least usable for a trial period without spending a penny) and simple to use.

So then? Can I know what you are still doing? Let's set aside the chat, positioned nice comfortable and start to focus immediately on reading this tutorial of mine. You'll see that you'll be able to tell yourself very happy and satisfied with what you've learned and that Francesca and all the other friends to whom you'll send your postcards will remain literally open-mouthed. I wish you, as usual, good reading.

123 Geetings

The first online service to send virtual postcards to which I would suggest you to appeal is 123 Geetings. It is a portal specialized in greeting cards, some animated, others available in video format, suitable for any occasion and to be sent by e-mail. It is only available in English, but considering the huge assortment of content and the possibility of customization offered, this is not a flaw. Moreover, its use is quite intuitive even for non polyglot speakers.

To send a virtual postcard via 123 Greetings linked to the home page of the site and choose the postcard you prefer among the most popular that are proposed directly to the center of the page or make the selection of the category of reference on the left. If you want, you can also follow a tag search via the right section or a keyword search using the appropriate field at the top, always on the right.

After choosing your postcard, bring all the customizations of the case by first editing music and sound effects through the special menu below the preview (if available), then press the Customize and send this card button.

On the page that opens, type your name and e-mail address in the fields that you find under the heading Sender Details, type the message with which you want to accompany the postcard in the box attached to the Message section (Write as much as much as you want), specify the name and email address of the recipient in the fields under the heading Receiver Details (Send this ecard to multiple recipients "max. 100 ") (you can add additional recipients by clicking on Add Reciver) and if you want your virtual postcard to be delivered on a different day from the current one, click on the symbol of the calendar below and specify the date.

To conclude, remove the cues from all entries in the Notificatons section, leaving it only on Let me know once the ecard is viewed. If you would like to receive a notification when your virtual postcard is opened by the recipient and press Send Now. Done!


How to send virtual postcards

Another "milestone" in terms of solutions for sending virtual postcards is the Kisseo website. It is in fact one of the most famous and appreciated portals of the category. It offers lots of animated postcards for every kind of occasion from which you can choose, all in high quality and accessible without having to register for the service, to send by e-mail or to share online. It also allows you to print or send postcards in paper format directly to the recipient's home, but in this specific case I would say that we are not interested.

To use Kisseo for your purpose, log in to the homepage of the service, click on All postcards at the top and select the category of reference from those in the menu that opens then scroll through the list of available postcards and click on the one you prefer.

On the page that you will see later, cyclic on the Play button to preview the card then, if you are convinced, press on the button via Email (GRATUITO) and fill in the field Enter here your message with the personalized message that you want to attach the postcard.

Fill out the form on the right, in correspondence of the section Da:, typing your data (first name, surname, email address and date of birth), enter the recipient's e-mail address in correspondence of the section Per: (if you want you can add more than one recipient by clicking on Add a recipient) after which you specify the date of sending through the appropriate field.

Then click No to indicate that you do not wish to receive offers from the website partners, click on Next and, to conclude, press on Validate the mailing on the page that opens. Et voilà!

If instead of sending everything by e-mail you prefer to share via network or instant messaging, after selecting the card pigia on the blue button under the heading Share this postcard, type your email address and your personalized message and click on Save the postcard, pigia on the icon of the social to share and it is done.

1001 Postcards

How to send virtual postcards

Didn't the resources for sending virtual postcards that I've already talked about not attract you in any particular way? Then try 1001 Postcards now and you'll see that it won't disappoint you. It is an Internet site full of virtual postcards, some of which are also animated, to be sent by e-mail. The website's graphics are not the most modern, but the content is certainly worthwhile.

The only thing you need to take into account is that in order to work you need Flash Player installed on your computer (for more information you can refer to my tutorial on the subject) or you need to use a browser that integrates it "of evenings" (e. g. Chrome).

To use it, connect to the main page, find the category of reference among the many available and then clc on the subcategory that interests you. Then select the postcard you prefer and pigeon on send this postcard!

In the new page displayed, complains the form that is proposed to you by entering the recipient's email address and its name, your e-mail address and your name, the title you want to assign to the postcard and the message you wish to attach. Then select the postcard theme and date of posting and check the last two boxes below to receive an alert when the message is opened and to receive a copy.

Now, click on the preview before ending button at the bottom of the page to preview the postcard and then press send it! to ship it now. If, on the other hand, something doesn't convince you or there are any errors and you want to make changes to the postcard wing, press make changes.


How to send virtual postcards

As an alternative to the above solutions, please consider Rattlebox. Unlike the resources I've already talked about, it allows you to send virtual greeting cards only and exclusively in the form of videos to which you can associate personalized text. There are so many themes and models to choose from and the end result is impressive. Please note that even then Flash Player is required.

I wonder how to use it? I explain it to you right away. To begin with, log on to the service's website and then click on the postcard that you like the most among the many available by selecting the reference category on the left. If you can't find anything you are interested in in this way, search by keyword by typing it in the top field and then clicking on the Go side button.

Once you have chosen the postcard, look at the preview via the player at the top of the page that opened. If you like it, press the Send This Card Now button! and type your personalized message for the recipient in the appropriate field that appears under the heading You can re-write any or all of the text below!

If you want to edit the title of the postcard by typing your preferred title in the change the title of this card below: and then click on the Preview & Share button.

Wait a few moments for the postcard to be processed and then press on the Email My eCard button! and fill out the form you see appearing by typing in the fields Your Name and Your Email your name and your email address and in the fields Recipient Name and Recipient Email the name of the recipient and his email address. Check the Notify me when recipients view my card checkbox if you wish to receive a notification by mail when the recipient receives the virtual card and click on the Send It Now button! Done!

Please note that by registering to the service you can also schedule the sending of the virtual postcard by deciding the exact date of shipment. To do this, press the Send it Later button, click on the Sign Up button, fill in the fields on screen to create your account, indicate the day, month and year of submission and then click on Schedule Your Card!

Other sites to send virtual postcards

How to send virtual postcards
Did the websites for sending virtual postcards that I talked about in the previous lines not satisfy you and are you looking for alternative resources? Then try to take a look at the other solutions that I have indicated to you below and you will see that you will not regret it.

BlueMountain - Other website appartante to the category in question full of virtual postcards, both static and animated, to be sent to friends, relatives and colleagues on every occasion. It is only in English, can be used for registration and is subject to a fee but offers a free trial period.
JustWink - A decidedly well made online service that allows you to ship quality virtual cardboard of various kinds. They are all highly customizable and cost free.
CartolineGratis - Italian website that allows you to choose between different virtual postcards suitable for all occasions to send by e-mail. There are not many content available, but it's worth looking at.
Punchbowl - Website that allows you to send virtual postcards via email in the form of classic greeting cards. You can customize both style and content.

App for sending virtual postcards

How to send virtual postcards

Do you use your smartphone or tablet much more than your computer and would you like to know what resources you have from yours to send virtual postcards directly from your device's touch screen? Then, from now on, I look at the following list of ad hoc apps and you will not regret it. There are both Android and iOS and they are all very easy to use. Good downloads!

Cards Gallery - gCard (Android) - Application full of virtual postcards of any kind to choose from and fill in with photos and messages. Free.
E-Cards (Android) - Another application belonging to the category in question that allows you to send virtual postcards for every kind of occasion. They are all well made and you can also customize them. Free.
FaceMe Video Booth (iOS) - App to create virtual greeting cards to customize by inserting your face inside, as you can easily guess from the name. Free.
Appygraph - Greeting cards for iMessage (iOS) - App to send virtual greeting cards rich in templates that are decidedly well made and customizable. At the expense of your name, it can also be sent via Facebook or email, not just on iMessage. Free.

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