
poor dude as usual didnt get it.
im riding u and other communists here!

The only thing you're riding is vote collusion and vote buying.

Hi @kingscrown,

It seems you got a $29.8344 upvote from @kingscrown at the last minute before the payout. (23.15h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Thank you friend! I'm glad that you like this funny drawing.
This king reminds me of @kingscrown :-))
and you like pokemonchiki? hahah

Lol what a troll! Haha.

Who is the troll?

Acidyo! lol. How did you not notice?

I saw. but where does the troll? lol

Who's "the guy" riding kingscrown. Look at the picture youve drawn and try figure out who is kingscrown lol.

You're just jealous that I did not draw you. lol