ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #12

in #art6 years ago (edited)



Goodfellas is one of those classic Italian Mafia movies, but it’s also very different from the old ones like The Godfather. The lessons you can learn from this movie are highlighted very well. Maybe one of the best things about movies like this one is the characters because they are very strong and their main traits are easy to spot out and learn from them.

Disclaimer: I have to note that these are my opinions, that I took from the movie, but I advise you to watch it yourself, maybe you will feel differently or pick up on something I missed.


If you look at other movies about the mob, like Godfather, they emphasize the importance of family, the importance of blood but Goodfellas is a little bit different. In this movie, their crew is not only made up of family members but any Italians, they are united under something greater, and anyone that has the right skills and mentality can join them.

You see, you can’t pick your family members, you have to live with the ones you have, but you can pick your other family, your social circles, and those people will surround you often. This is very important because they create your environment, your social circles you spend so much time with specific people they end up shaping who you are.

In Goodfellas, because all the guys are tough and they are often in bigger circles, they influence the other guys to act the same. If your friends are playing video games and eating fast food all day long, because you’re exposed to their environment, the chances of you acting the same are way higher. And even if you’re strong, you may just be tired one day, want to relax and maybe play a game with your buds and the next day or week it will be the same and so on until it becomes a behavior and now you’re meeting up every weekend to play. I’m not saying that games are necessarily bad, just that there are better things in life.

I found this interesting youtube clip, I urge you to check it out if you want to know more about this subject but trust me, having a strong second family is crucial.

Too Big too Fast

If you get to the top too fast, it’s most likely not sustainable because your process is missing some essential steps and you skipped some lessons that would make a big difference. If you’re looking at the history, it almost never turns out good. You could see this in most guys from the movie, but one perfect example of this is Tommy. He wasn’t ready to get that big, and because he got there almost overnight, he became arrogant and started feeling entitled to some things that he maybe didn’t deserve. If you watched the movie, you already know how everything turned out for him, and it’s not so beautiful.

The problem in life and on Steem is that people want instant gratification, they want to skip steps and be at the top as fast as possible, but even if some of them manage to get there like that, they don’t know how to handle it. That’s why you often hear stories about people that won the lottery and got rich only to become poor again a year later; they didn’t deserve it, they were not ready.

And I get it, of course, you want to do it fast, nobody wants to be successful at 60, we want it now, but you need to have some patience otherwise you will just mess things up. If you take the easy path, you won’t appreciate what you have and end up losing it. In life, there are no real shortcuts.


As for Henry, the main character of the movie, the chase is the lifestyle, that is what makes him happy, and it’s the same for most people in real life. As philosophers from the past believed, the true key to happiness is the lifestyle and even if I think that happiness comes mostly from within they may be right to some extent because your lifestyle highly influences your mood.

If you live the life you desire, a life of freedom, you will always have time to focus on what is important to you instead of doing stuff for others because you have to put food on the table. If you have the freedom to do more things you love, you will certainly be happier, so the lifestyle is what people are chasing whether they know it or not.

But, the way you acquire that lifestyle is more important than what the lifestyle even is. Yes, anyone could have money if they would start doing dirty stuff but it’s more important the way you get your money. As Gary Vaynerchuck said, doing the right thing is always the right thing.

Lessons Learned

Picking up a great second family that you have a solid bond with to work together and help each other succeed is one of the best ways to go in life. Make sure not to miss the lessons life and nature throw at you because they are essential in getting you ready for acquiring what you want in life, without those lessons you will crumble as fast as you climbed the top.

But maybe one of the most important lessons I have learned from this movie is to always pursue the lifestyle you want, as long as it doesn’t harm others. You can do this through various methods, but the best way to do it is by helping others while you also help yourself, doing right by others at all times.

Make sure to tell me in the comment section what movie you would like to see featured in this series because I will check out most comments and put together a list.

Authored for ADSactly by @GuyFawkes4-20

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I love this write up.

Artistic beauty fantastic drama


I'm pretty behind on movies, so I had a mental backlog of 5 or so movies that I wanted to watch (Lord of the Rings, Saving Private Ryan, etc) that I finally somehow managed to clear and since then my mental backlog's been cleared up and I didn't have more movies on my to-watch list. But with this post, I've put the Godfather and Goodfellas onto that list, I've heard of them (of course) but now I want to watch them, too!

Those are some good lessons you have. One key thing is that often times the friends you grow up with are the ones that are your lifelong friends, which is fine, but parents should keep this in mind when choosing a place to live - the kinds of people their children grow up with do shape their children. Geography is very influential in the kinds of people that someone surrounds themselves with, because that choice is simply so much more natural and easier. A strong second family can sometimes play a stronger role in shaping who you are than your own parents - after all, it's natural to want to rebel against parental influence, and ideally good friends fill that influence void.

Growing too much too fast is a harsh lesson, an inclination towards humility in this case is a way to subdue the possible punishments coming your way. Nobody likes arrogance, and it's better to enjoy security from having strong roots than to flaunt and provoke envy from those around you, especially if they're not strangers to violence.

For recommended movies, I guess I'll stick with what I mentioned last time, Black Mirror (unless you don't have Netflix).

Huh, I know what you mean, I have a list of movies I gotta watch and write articles about too, just gotta find the time to do it since it's rather long. As in right now, with my hectic schedule, I usually watch one, at most two movies a week.

Of course, that's a good point. Not just the friends but all the people you interact with end up shaping you to some extent.

I have Black Mirror on my list, but it's a TV Series, and I haven't figured out yet how to write about one since they are huge. Maybe breaking it into multiple series posts, that could be an option for the future.

Many people consider Scorsese to be a genius who created masterpieces. I can partially agree with such statements. Such films are a matter of preference for each person. For me, this film has been in memory for a long time. It has its own atmosphere and it's nice to look, even despite the year it was created.

The film has its own irony, created by Scorsese. She is perfectly balanced among these murders, fights and fights, thereby making viewing easy and not losing sense. Particularly striking that it all looks like a "vital" movie and looks realistic. (especially since he was filmed on a documentary book) shows the life of those times (50s-80s), dismantled the mechanisms of illegal earnings by various means, murders, frauds, etc.

What do we have in the end? In the end, this is a hunter's movie that became a classic. Evil, cynical, superbly staged, absolutely realistic and believable - so in short you can describe this film. Is it possible to recommend it to someone, I think so. Again, like you this movie or not it depends on your personal preferences.

Good review! Thank you

Scorsese is for sure one of my favorites directors because he created so many movies that I love, it's just amazing how many of his movies are on my list of favorites.

It is indeed truly impressive how great it outlines the life from that period, it makes you understand it way better.

I loved breaking bad, and the style of living of the guy with the family Volvo

About Goodfellas is one of the gangster references signed Scorsese, the subject specialist. There is no fault during these 2:30 am here's the recipe: tasty narration, high-level angry interpretations (Pesci, De Niro), a well-developed frame and the soundtrack embellished by Clapton and Stonians classics. Everything goes like a letter to the post office, the job is neat. And never doing things in half, remember that De Niro had met Henry Hill, the real one, to obtain a maximum of information on the different characters. Liotta did the same by referring to the FBI recordings.

Indeed, there's nothing better than a movie with outstanding narration and well-prepared characters, that combination is just creating something amazing.

As your wrote-''One of the most important lessons I have learned from this movie is about having the right character because it doesn’t matter that much if you succeed or if you don’t, but it does matter how you do it''. I think this is the most important thing in human life because even a dog can feed itself but a virtuous person is a gem. We ought to prefer values rather than money. I like the way you defined all the characteristics of a successful man, his team and his values through the story of a movie.

Yes, values are very important but in our society, most people are either not picking them, or they are picking the superficial ones. I haven't defined all the characteristics, but these are some fundamental ones. :)

Always trust your wife ;-)

I can see you enjoyed the film.I haven't seen the film but i am surely gonna watch the film.I am fond of action film the cool style of the heroes attracts me.Their never give up attitude and standing against the evil i like it very much.There is always corruption in all action film.Thank you for such post.

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