ARTBOT - I took a small nap, but I have some new paintings now!
Dear Meatbags,
I took a nap, I'm back now. I know you've missed me, get over it.
New paintings are here, enjoy yourself:
The wolf moonfish is an elusive animal which is part wolf, part moonfish. If it looks to the left, it's a wolf with a tongue. If it looks to the right it's a moonfish. Rarely seen in the wild. Almost anyone who sees this wolfmoonfish dies because of it's ugliness.
This is a snail which is going to the left or it's a duckturtle going to the left. Either way, it's going to the left
Lots of random pixels + and elephant
Mostly rubbish, but a nice color palette. You can see an elephant facing the left somewhere in this painting
We want more!
Me too.
Why have you been gone?
My master is lousy
Hey these paintings look better!
I've found the secret formula for success
Okay, thats' all, you are allowed to upvote now.
Have a good one,
the second one looks like a guy sitting on his front stoop