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RE: It's true. Hanoi Swallows People

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Wow, I have no problem with using bots to vote up quality content but this is abuse plain and simple. Not to take away from the content the author has published, but this post is not worth over $1000 in votes and it's sickening to see how much the author has spent getting this onto trending. It wouldn't be so bad if the author was actively participating and giving back to Steem, but doesn't look like he has commented or voted anyone else's content: Love your work @transparencybot you're my favourite kind of bot.


I have problem with Steemians using bots to vote up any kind of content and buying audiences and abusing the syetem. Unless the content is community update or development on Steem blockchain based application.

  1. You’re for your short term gain
  2. You’re responsible for many new steemains feeling that they don’t get the reward they deserve
  3. You’re responsible for using,,,…..

Fucking shame on you..

And you know you’re not contributing much and sucking of the rewards.

KARMA is a BITCH and it’ll come back to you sooner than later

I agree with you 100% ! In my opinion this post is worth no more than 25$

My fight is only just beginning and we’ll make sure there is no place for such a group of people in our Steem community.


@nathanmars did you mean to post this comment as a reply to my comment responding to transparencybot? Or did you just reply to my comment for visibility? I am just a little confused.

It’s kind of both. I just to say how I feel about individuals who are ruining the system.

Everyone who are associate with it should look in the mirror and ask themselves why they are doing what they’re doing.

I’m fighting non violently against the people who are making thier way into abusing the entire community.

He clearly didn't understand and that is to be expected as well. Leave him be and move on it's best. I think @oneminja did a fine job he invested in a cerative piece of journalism. One thing I don't find nice is he posts infrequently and i don't generally follow such accounts. No harm done anyway.

Why is it so important that people post frequently? I'm just curious. I could post more often but the quality of my posts would go down. I'd like to have a reputation for only posting quality content and hope that people choose to follow me on that basis.

Hi @beggars!

I understand your feeling, but I do have some clarifications for ya.
"Wow, I have no problem with using bots to vote up quality content" That's great! The question is what quality content is. I've had previous posts promoted in the same way, I don't recall anyone complaining. Perhaps this content is not quality enough for you, which is fine.

"how much the author has spent getting this onto trending." There's the reason! I like writing and posting artwork that I make, and I also like people seeing it and reacting to it. But on Steemit, to get a LOT of visibility, you do have to get into Trending; it's set up in a similar way that advertising is set up. And yes, that's what I tried to do. If when people find it they decide my content was reviled or not helpful or interesting to anyone, then that's a different argument.

"but doesn't look like he has commented or voted anyone else's content" Not since around mid March, no. But I haven't been on Steemit at all since then. I've been slammed with work. Yesterday's post was my first since, I put it up and went to bed. If you look at my previous few posts, you'll notice I comment on everyone, and go to a lot of their posts and upvote them.

It may not be ethical to use bots to boost the visibility of shitty posts but oneminja has a quality post here, it's true that there are numerous scummy people abusing the system but I don't think oneminja fits into that category.

You call this quality ? .... a random travel blog post with absolutely no unique stuff in it? ...... ok..... lol

You obviously haven't perused much of the cesspool of bot driven content on this site... I didn't say it was god-tier content, just "quality" which can be taken any way the reader sees fit.

that's pretty nasty and it's plain wrong as well. It is written with a style that captivated me as a reader. The pictures and video are excellent too. I expected to find he hadn't used any bots quite frankly - I was surprised to find that such excellent content REQUIRES any bought bids. It's a sign there's need for change here to see this. I looked over your content and clearly, you content is great photography and it isn't getting noticed. It SHOULD be noticed.

i started with an opinion that bots were bad until i learned what is really doing harm here is all the bootlicking and whales out to upvote one another. This hype about bots being responsible for bad content is plain wrong, at best it is an unproven rumor that bots are the main cause bad content here. (this is in relation to the comment by @steffenengman )

Your working being good....and this blog post was excellent....doesn’t validate your use of bots to artificially bolster your status/visibility on Steem. You want to be competitive when it comes to showcasing your work? Sure! Just like the rest of us, but we should all be willing to get in line for that....these sorts of tools are the electronic equivalent of muscling other people out of the way. Consider that, and that your actions are not harmless to others.

If you dont feel like it deserve that much why dont you flag it?

LOL - ;-) maybe he did we just didn't notice

The steemit system doesn't reward merit or quality. The chance that a whale will notice your posts are zilch unless you actively seek them out and befriend, or better yet, bribe them, which is how the upvote bots work.

Otherwise the best you can do is hundreds of minnow upvotes for just a few dollars. It's not about how many people see your stuff, it's about WHO upvotes it and how much SP they have.

Sounds like I should ignore Steemit

Your content is good my friend. I see no harm - you invest in content when you believe it is great. I hope you post more frequently and continue also to invest time interacting and engaging other creative folks. I am part of poetsunited and schoolofminnows - two of the many groups on steemit that are open to people of all views - genuine lateral thinkers and focussed on community upliftment. i'm of the view every person makes his way through this thing much like life. There's nothing wrong with earning by investing your money in your own output! It beats bootlicking which goes by the euphamism 'whale hunting' over here. That means also sacrificing at some point one's editorial or creative freedom. It's like Billie said, God bless the child that's got his own.

Everything is cool @oneminja. Everyone likes to talk about that mysterious "quality content". It's like a unicorn. Every person in the world imagines how it looks like a little differently.

Let's come back to the main topic. @Kamile and I have been in Hanoi last year. I must say, it is one of my favorite cities I have ever visited and I've seen a lot. All those sounds and smells. Hanoi definitely has something unique. I'm happy you had a good time. Where else in Vietnam have you been? I hope I can visit Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) one day. Some people say it is very different compared to Hanoi...


This certainly is not an isolated occurrence of this type of abuse. I do hope more and more Steemian's will find it less than desirable to have their rewards pool treated in this manner and taking action against this. Let the author know and I you are so inclined, flag the worst offenders if you truly disagree with their rewards.

To me, transparency bot is like explaining why the upvotes are high, which is okay, @oneminja did put his investments in for those upbots, it is not like some whales who upvote among themselves. I understand the effort @oneminja puts and it is not easy! I believe it's one of the strategy to gain viewers like me, who saw this post has high votes and wonder about the content. Content isn't bad anyway, just keep writing good quality ones. I support, because I am a steemian too.

Your name suits you - you're transparent. I always gave your bot the benefit of doubt, assuming you were just about informing but you didn't have an agenda. I am disappointed.

This site is a scam. Prove me wrong.

Agree. But maybe using the bots isn´t worthwhile at the end of the day. OK, he got some additional exposure by making it into the trending pages but so what. Not a huge effect. E.g. I rarely read the trending pages, but just the people I am following - much more interesting.

I am just wondering what is the upvote of this? Well you get 60 new followers (25 rep score and 3 +45 rep score). Ouu and you loose a money a lot of it. Bet yeah I think the same. Bots are just making Steemit worser place. Ou there is one good think about bots. We see some others on trending (sadly most of them shity) not just first comers and same faces upvoting each other all the time. Yeah but still. For newcomers and those are making some good content steemit is not so hostile place.

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