Drawings and Doodles I did

in #art8 years ago

    In 2014, I wanted to start drawing again, but I couldn't find inspiration. My days of drawing anime characters had been long gone and most of the things I would think about when doing nothing were calculations or other work related stuff. The only drawings I would make were random thoughtless drawings in the bottom of pages. 

    That all changed when I found a youtube channel called "peterdraws". He made awesome doodles and a lot of inspiring videos. I started watching his videos, and that made me feel like drawing again. At the beginning I just wanted to draw doodles like him, but later I started drawing characters again. I recommend his channel if you like abstract drawings and doodles.

    After that I bought myself some pigma microns and started making some doodles. Here are some of the ones I drew over the last two years. I haven't drawn any new one for quite some time, but they are very fun to do. They aren't in any particular order, and I did many more. If you wanna see it, you can go to my deviantart account's folder on doodles.


Thanks for your time :)


Hi @deadmosco, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.