in #art7 years ago

Seeing bitcoin has me here... Not on Facebook where all these people are posting their bragging rights towards prior gains from investments in the years past. Soon the tables will turn for these folks. You have to start smart and this is the exact reason I am typing these words you are reading... I value my artwork and hope to take bitcoin sales in 2018 for purchases on my website. If anyone can point me in the right direction of how to do so that would be great! Crypto currency is a hot mess in the cyber world and everyone wants to get a piece of this new monetary system away from corporate banking. I for one would like to see how much revenue this site will bring in one years time. I believe this may be worth the typing narrative in which I have been neglecting my normal following on social media feed from having. This is giving myself more clarity and sensible recognition without having to worry if anyone will like my post on my feed. If I make 2 cents big whoop I could care less. The importance of having people that are actually reading my words is worth much more to me. So I thank you with every sentence you read. I will continue to spit my knowledge into this forum of my art life progressing onward!!!

Besides online endeavors my reality of options has never been better.. This past year has been phenomenal for myself and starting my own business. I have become a painter and met tons of other artists here in Colorado from all around the world. I am working with a lot of world famous visionaries and help to take photos of their paintings for printing production. Art can be a very powerful thing and the community of people who are here in the area are amazing at what they do.. I wish there was an easier way to get their work out to the world. This is part of my mission as an artist and seeing that helping others will take me as far as I want to go! Just like how being on Steemit had helped me take my words further in each post ... This may be my longest update yet which is a sign of recognition in the potential here versus other places on the internet. I enjoy typing my stories out in great detail when I do have the time away from work.

One day far ahead we will all be gone from existence and only leave our marks in time. I can already see future self looking back upon this moment and feeling good about the decision. In fact it it's instantly making me feel better to create this complex structure of foresight and thinking. Practicing this daily is an important reminder to live in the now!


Looking back at the past I was struggling to find my direction in life and was becoming a victim of drug addiction and other self destructive behaviors. It was not until I became an artist that I was able to truly value my own life and begin to create something new for myself that I was able to share around me. Artwork has been my main drive for this mechanism inside of myself that will just not stop. To think that I was falling into the depths of society and now look at where I am at is a huge realization of my current life choices. I am thankful to be here and rejoice every day that I do not have to wake up living on the streets. This has been a life changing experience. One in which I would not trade the world for because I am stronger than I ever was. Here is to the future of new creations and a belief system that helps others all around. I have been trying to get my message out to the world!

Now the world can look back at me and begin to see what I have accomplished in this very short time period as the beginning of something unique. I will keep my vision crisp and clear ready to see all goals in front of me. Manifesting them into reality one by one and becoming a past tense experience one could only dream of. I believe in miracles and there is no other way to prove that these things are possible until you try it for yourself. Keep on pushing towards your dreams and what makes you happy!!!... When other people have written you off and it seems like there is no one to turn to always know you have the power inside to create anything you can imagine. This is the freedom of the future free thinking self.

I always wondered what the future was going to be like watching space movies as a child. It's not too far off from what I was seeing. This form of writing for communication purposes has almost been lost in the transition of technological advances. Thankfully we can keep this as a modern scripture and database for future generations to peer back on. These messages are being cast out into space and read years ahead of our time. The universe will return these blessing we are asking for. Remember to continuously make room in your life for all the things you need by getting rid of items that do not serve you any purpose. Separation from the material world is crucial to traveling forward in to to reach our goals and destination. Arrive on time and in style !

You can always look back at the opposite direction and choose to return at any time! I love my life along with all my friends and family here in Colorado.. I hope to experience spreading these vibrations all around the country through the form of artwork. What a magical place we live in and are heading towards. Let's keep the positive thinking and create positivity all around us. It's always tough to look at the news and current political climate around us. It's tough to believe it is real! This is our time to create just as great of an illusion that one day will become the standard for the leaders of this world. It is time for change to happen and we are the force the has started to move everything is a new and progressive direction. Do not let the every day weight of the world hold you down or push you back. It is the best time to grasp your best strengths and push forward in life. We can all bring each other gifts and wealth alongside happiness!



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