COMEBACK TO STEEMIT! How did the "pandemic" transform me into a Mexican farmer.

in #art3 years ago

What is up Steemit tribe!


I can't believe that two years passed since my last post. And what two years it has been!

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To be honest I was in no mood to write. First I was too busy escaping the newly-established dictatorship in Canada, spending the first lockdown in Maui , then getting back to Canada for few months just in time to pack before the second lockdown hit harder.

This time (Fall 2020) I was escaping to Mexico, with intentions to spend the winter and see if Canadians rise against the rule of their tyrant. That did not happen so I decided to stay in Caribbean. Really hard decision if you ask me. White sand sunny beaches with zero restrictions, packed bars and restaurants and generally happy people vs. cold Canada with ever-growing list of restrictions, bullying from government and "medical" institutions, closing down of public spaces etc., you guys know the story, you probably lived your own version of it.

Add to it a beautiful bullrun kicking in across all Crypto martkets and my financial needs met with no worry on horizon. of course I stayed in Mexico!


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But I was partying only for a short time. After about a month I realized that I'm not in that age anymore. Other things are more important to me and I would not be able to do them in parallel with party nights with my Playa boys. My party time actually ended by quite a memorable incident, which I now call "Divine providence".

I was on my way home from a club, with a girlfriend, drunk out of my mind. That was around 2 am and we walked past a an illuminated church. I suddenly felt the call of Christ. Literally. I felt the urge to pray. In that church. Or at least in front of it, since it was obviously closed. So I climbed the fence and got on my knees. Few minutes later the first police cars arrived. I saw the flashlights then heard them calling me to get out of there. I kept on praying...

By the time I climbed back, there were at least 4 police cars and they were pretty pissed. My Mexican girl-friend was pretty scared, but I was not. For some reason I felt sure of my move. Just when they were slipping on the handcuffs around my wrists to get me in the police car, I dropped THE question: "Gentlemen, we are all Christians here, aren't we?" . The rest is history. It was 22nd of December, two days before Christmas, and my Jesus story (and obviously my fluent Spanish) saved my ass from at least one night in jail and a forced donation of many many pesos bills. The girl could not believe her eyes when they let us go, without giving them a dime....

Well that was the moment I knew I had to change my ways. I started a detox and intense meditations and on January 2nd I went into the most intense fast I ever did. 10 days water fast. That was an experience which deserves a chapter on its own. For now it suffice to say- it was one of the hardest thing that I have ever done (and I have done a few in 5 years in the army) and my commitment was tested to the core. I lost so much weight!

At the end of the fast I looked like this...


That fast kicked my ass. And it set me on a new trajectory.

I started painting again at last!

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My first painting of 2021, couple weeks after the fast...

But the biggest change by far was my trip to a tiny village in the state of Puebla, where I went to meet a father of my chiropractor. A trip that I carried out purely driven by intuition. Crossing half of Mexico by car to get to a tiny village that is not even on the map was an adventure by itself, but what I did in the following months as a result of the trip put the whole "adventure" in the next level perspective.

Believe it or not, but I ended up buying large chunk of land there, then by miracle I became Mexican citizen and I moved there! To the end of the world!


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Me planting my first litchi trees on my land, only 8 months after my "church incident", yet lifetimes away!

And that is how Gaia Reborn, the greatest project of my life, started!

But about that in my next post. About the insane efforts I put in the 56 acres that I acquired at the end of the world, with promise of creating a piece of paradise here.

It's been 7 months since I moved here, and my hands are harder, my experience wider, my hair bit more grey with few more wrinkles on my face (out of stress which I am learning to manage!) ...but my determination unfading.

I have so many pictures to show you and I am sure you will appreciate them.

The goal of Gaia Reborn = Gaia Renacida , is to create a family, rather than community, and live in harmony and as much freedom as we can manage, in this crazy consumer world

Till next time!

Thanks for your love on getting my SP back!

Much Love,

Jan aka Raphiel,


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Sin duda, memorable y peculiar historia amigo @jankasparec. Bienvenido a México; lleno de defectos, pero lleno de virtudes sin descubrir.