My autumn updates 🙋🖼️🎨

in #art5 years ago


The first snow dusted the fallen leaves. Golden autumn passed me by somehow because of my employment. And now a light frost bound the puddles left by the weeping autumn. Today I finished my next painting. It's called "flora".

Watercolor, Paint on Canvas,Size: 15.8 W x 19.7 H x 0.2 in

The approach of the cold season, parting with the bright colors of summer and meeting with such a sad gray sky became the inspiration for this picture. This whimsical abstract flower on a background of gray shades also parted with its petals. Not to be too sad, I tried to convey his appearance in softer forms.

My academic studies continue in an intensive mode and now it takes all my time: it is drawing plaster ornaments, and many hours of sketches and work with sitters ( or as they are called - demonstrators of plastic poses). Drawing does not end after the end of lessons. Because our teachers strongly recommend the practice of home drawing-whatever you want, in any free form, any self-expression. We bring it to the classroom as homework and they help us to see all the mistakes and inaccuracies, based on the knowledge we have already received.

"Tango with death" / watercolor, paper Fabriano (density 300 gr), size 40x50 cm,

This is another of my recent works, which a few days ago went to Mexico to participate in the competition of emerging artists and designers.The Mexican Museum of Design (MUMEDI) holds an international competition, in which I decided to participate😉 ."To death with a smile" (2019-2020).The competition aims to develop creative and design abilities that will allow participants from different countries to show the freedom of expression of their own style and show the diversity and richness of different cultures around the world.

... well, in the meantime, I must go on with my studies, there are so many interesting things to do🎨

soon the lesson will begin and the class will be filled with students😁

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)) I'll see you soon...


Looking at the flower, for some reason I thought about macro photography ... apparently I did macro exercises ...))
And where is the tango ... until I read the words, I thought about tango with a fallen angel :-)
Good job!

Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!
Week 7 of my contest just started...check it out!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Well, well, well, so that's where you disappeared to my dear friend.
I was worried as I thought that you had left steemit.
Spoke to another Russian friend @bambuka yesterday and told him that I know you, but that I didn't know where you were!

Great to see your excellent work here and all strength with the studies.

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Finally! ... you appeared again and I’m so full of happiness while reading your words and looking at your paintings... you have absolutely improved a lot the technique although I would tell you three words on the second one : perspective, anatomy, proportions...
First one just got me thrilled... you are definetely on the right way to find the very best of yourself.
I can imagine you’re working very hard but feeling plenty of satisfaction, there are more to come, keep on, never give up, follow your dream!
Love n’hugs ❤️

These three words are the most difficult and important for me at this stage. So I have to spend a lot more time than other students ( who have already had preliminary training before entering the Academy, and I do not : ( ) But I try very hard to reduce this difference between us, because I was more fortunate. Thank you Pablo, what do you remember about me

Time and effort the keywords of succeed on achieving our goals and dreams.
Keep on your nice job and effort, you Will get It sooner than you think.
Sending Big hugs and best wishes to you!
I never forget my Friends you can be sure 😉

wow beautiful water color painting my friend. thanks for share with us..

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Thanks for the encouragement!!!

I'm so happy to see how you are progressing in your paintings and developing your style, but most of all that you are enjoying all the hard work that artists take to master their skills.
Of course I have a lot of emotions that you've sent one of your works to travel to México, I hope you'll have great success in the competition and good experience and comments from here. I send the best vibes for you my dear friend!!
I know you are full of work, just enjoy a lot with your fellow students and teachers and all the practices. From here my admiration for your courage and great heart and the best wishes for your everyday dear @MadlenFox!!

@madlenfox, sorry to see you have less Steem Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!

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