☁✦☂My art through the years: Ayari Dazai☁✦☂ (2/5)

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello mortals!! Did you guys missed me?? I bet you did 7u7. Okno. Anyway! Here I am, Malu-sama, reporting once more with the second phase of this section inaugurated recently.

This time, it'll be protagonized by nothing more, nothing less than Ayari Dazai! the second oc that I created in my entire life and the protagonist of one of my stories.

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Why am I doing this?

The purpose of this section is not to boast about my "improvements" in the drawing but teach those beginners (if I don't fit in that category) or aspiring cartoonist that perseverance is the key to success and that I DIDN'T born knowing how to draw like I do right now but, as many, I went through a process of fails, progress and more fails that took me to where I am right now (But it's not the big deal, eh).

This section will be composed of 5 phases where I'll show the main 5 characters of one of my stories and the abrupt (or not that abrupt) changes that they have had not just in their appearance but in their personality through my little experience as an artist.

No more to say, we start this second phase.

(Get prepared, Ayari is excited and scared 'cause this post is only about him, so much so that he can't stop shaking. The whole room is shaking. I dON't EVeN KnoW HOw I'M WrITIng ThIS).

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(I highly recommend to listen to the music posted here to get familiarized with the character, if you don't want to, it's ok :'I)

Ayari Dazai, Who is him?

15 years old. Ayari Dazai is a kind but shy boy that only wants to make friends in his new school and get along well with everyone in there.

In short, is that type of classmate that people only looks for when they want to borrow his homework and he gaves it to them 'cause he thinks that'll make him look more friendly.

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☁✦☂First Generation☁✦☂


The two Ayaris

Even when Kera was the first OC that I created in my entire life, she was NOT meant to be the main character of the story. I wanted a male main character. I NEEDED a male main character. So the "Nameless protagonist" was born (literally, his name never appeared in any part of the very first version of the comic), but soon he would be replaced by the actual Ayari (If we're talkin' 'bout who's the protagonist). Characterized for being a little pervert and hateful, he gave the impression of the protagonist of an ordinary shonen. HOWEVER, the very first and official version of Ayari came out to be nothing more and nothing less than Kera's childhood friend. Showing himself as a kind and affectionate boy, he gave the impression of the typical childhood friend that intrudes in the relation between the protagonist and the girl (They even had matching hair for a "promise" that they made when they were kids, it wasn't because I didn't had any ideas for the hair of my characters... of course not... haha...)

My drawing style was dirty, direct and coarse. There were almost no traces of knowledge in anatomy, so their bodys were completely disproportionate and shapeless. They were a lot of lines made directly, basically. IMG_3305.JPG (The nameless protagonist) IMG_3308.JPG (Ayari in the very first version of the comic)

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(The nameless protagonist and Kera fighting)


(Kera hiting the nameless protagonist)

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☁✦☂Second Generation☁✦☂


Hateful Ayari?

After realizing the absurde similitude between Ayari and Kera's hair, I decided to restart everything and give him not just a new appearance but a new personality too. This was, probably, the Ayari that I hated the most. Not for his appearance but for his personality. He was so twisted and unstable that he just made me realize that it was just a reflection of my own self as a changing preadolescent (Being the protagonist, he was the one who suffered most of the changes, sadly). He was characterized for being stubborn and petulant (At least with Kera, because with the others he was quite shy and reserved). After meeting her and realizing that she was a whirlwind of problems, Ayari wasn't sure if he hated her or liked her. By the end of the first part of the comic they both got along well until Ayari screwed things up once again and Kera got mad at him once more (A very twisted relation, if you ask me). My drawing style, although it had improved, it was still dirty and disproportionate, I still had a lot to improve.

(First apparition of Ayari in the second comic)

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(Ayari applying the law of ice to kera)


(Ayari defending Kera from Haruka)


(Ayari chibi)



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☁✦☂Third Generation☁✦☂


Fat Ayari

By the second part of the comic Ayari was determined to fight for Kera's pardon by the weirdest way possible (who gives chocolates and flowers to a person that you only want to be friends with?). Characterized for being insecure and anxious, the first vestiges of the actual Ayari were starting to show over with more clarity. By the third part of the comic we had an Ayari about to admit that he liked Kera, but then everything went down the drain and I restarted everything again. Since that moment started the real birth and development of the actual Ayari. My drawing style had become way more sleek, clean and defined, I started to remark with the mechanical pencil so the lines got less rustic but more fine, also, I started to shade the hair of some characters (Did you know that Ayari was originally going to have brown hair?) IMG_3211.JPG

(Ayari in the 30 days OC Challenge)


(Ayari in 2015)

Nevertheless, for many "improvements" that were appearing in my drawing style, there was this tiny (but harmful error) that in time I realized that I had: nothing more and nothing less than the habit of drawing the clothes as if it were the body. And so, Ayari went through his phase of, literally, having no shape at all; he was conformed by a square as his torso, two jelly slices as arms and two columns as legs. There was not even an inch of true anatomy in the drawings of that time, no proportions in the body, no proportions in the clothes, nothing. Right now, the whole situation makes me laugh, but it's an error that frequently occurs between the beginner artists. REMEMBER: CLOTHES HAS THEIR OWN LIFE (So to speak) AND GOES SEPARATED FROM THE BODY. CLOTHES HAS PROPORTIONS, BODY HAS PROPORTIONS, NEVER FORGET.

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(Depressed Ayari in the second part of the comic) IMG_3201.JPG (Ayari in the third attemp of the comic)


(Ayari denying his attraction to Kera in the third part of the comic) IMG_3214.JPG (Color portrait of Ayari) IMG_3218.JPG (Ayari eating pizza)

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☁✦☂Fourth Generation☁✦☂


What happened with Ayari?

After acquiring a new drawing mechanic (that I'll probably explain in the future), that plus the school homework that was killing me mercilessly, it could be said that Ayari was a little forgotten. My drawing style was quite static and round, but more detailed. However, I remember that, between drawing and drawing, I had the great idea of experiment a little bit with an Ayari sketch and, all of a sudden, something incredible happened... IMG_3228.JPG

(Ayari trying to imitate Kera)


(Ayari portrait)

I had found a new idea for Ayari's hair; a fresh, dynamic and detailed idea, something that seemed to be way more advanced than my previous knowledge (or that's how I felt it). Nevertheless, being up to my neck with school plus having to deal with my own demotivation, I sadly stopped drawing him for a long time, what I didn't know, is that I would regret that decision in the future...

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(Ayari in, with no doubt, his worst moment) IMG_3227.JPG (Happy Ayari)


(Experimenting with backgrounds and colors) IMG_3229.JPG (Ayari that I drew during classes)

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☁✦☂Fifth Generation☁✦☂


Ayari in crisis

As you know (or, as you should know), each discipline requires of practice, determination and constance. The art of drawing isn't excluded from this requirements, it requires discipline, constance and a lot of practice, so that, when I stopped drawing Ayari without thinking about future consequences, it comes out that, later, when I tried again to draw him in his new style, I just forgot how to do it. Yes, as you read, Malu forgot how to draw its own OC. So that, with a bitter feeling of worry, I submerged on the waters of panic and I started to draw him frenetically, over and over and over. However, it wasn't working, I wasn't making it, when an Ayari drawing was done and I observed it, I just couldn't "see" the Ayari that I knew, his essence was gone (I even added him ears to see if it could get better, instead of that, it got worse). IMG_3246.JPG

(Ayrai with a crown of flowers)


(Failed attemp of an Ayari)

By the end of the year I finally started to see improvements in his appearance and the "new Ayari" was born, an ayari above all friendly and clearly obssesed with the idea of being Kera's friend; also, at some point of the 2017, I decided to change his color hair to blonde, giving him a more attractive look. To celebrate that at least I was reaching an acceptable result with his new appearance, I drew a page exclusively for him. After discovering and trying the experience of drawing with markers, a brand new world opened before me and I decided to explore (and explote) it with no doubt. My drawing style had became more detailed, expressive and sleek, I didn't had to worry about the dirty stains in my drawings anymore.

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(Ayari's page) IMG_3238.JPG (Ayari, ends of 2017) IMG_3251.JPG (Smiley Ayari)


(Ayari, beginnings of 2017) IMG_3240.JPG (Ayari with ears) IMG_3247.JPG (Injured Ayari)

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☁✦☂Sixth Generation☁✦☂


The true Ayari Dazai

My drawing style got into a new stage, thanks to the internet references (pinterest), I was able to understand much more how anatomy works and I could put it into practice coherently, so that my drawing became much more dynamic and detailed. After having gone through a long road full of changes, fails and unexpected modifications, I reached a meeting point with the true Ayari, a kind and sweet boy, but also anxious and dependent. Tired of having problems to communicate with people, Ayari is heading towards an unknown world, his story is just beginning...


(Actual Ayari)

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IMG_3261.JPG (Ayari, beginnings of the year) IMG_2655.JPG (Ayari with Kera's clothes) IMG_2637.JPG (Ayari saying something that he clearly wouldn't say) IMG_2972.JPG (Ayari cosplaying as 2d)


(Ayari, ends of the year) IMG_3268.JPG (Goth Ayari) IMG_3277.JPG (Ayari surprised) IMG_3262.JPG (Ayari with a symbolic shirt)

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Then, we can conclude that Ayari was basically this

And that he went from this


To this


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Thank you so much for watching and reading

but hey! I haven't finished, Ayari has a super special message for all those artists that are feeling discouraged or are about to give up.

... Cute, right?

Anyway! This is all for now. If you liked it you can leave your vote or a comment tellin' me how much you liked it or how much you hated it. Hope you had fun reading this post just as much as I had fun making it.

See you in the next phase!

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All rights reserved @malu-sama


Hello @malu-sama, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk