My Creative Journey - crazy 2 day sketch-athon with charcoal

in #art6 years ago

Today I'm kinda tired...might have had something to do with being up until like 3am sketching. I really can't get enough of this stuff. You get on a roll and you just don't want to stop...until you get to that drawing that you finished, look at, and go...yeah, time to stop, hehe. I meant to get to this post yesterday but, like usual, got distracted. That just means more to see today, hehe.

There's been a crazy amount of progress, I think, in the last couple weeks. I keep talking about getting the translation software between my head and my hand written, and I mean that almost literally. Lines are lines. That's what I've discovered. How you use them, that's the rub. To get them to look right means you need to have your hand be able to translate accurately what your brains wants to be drawn. It's not an easy process to calibrate, at least for me, and I think this is why a lot of people give up. They expect their hands to be able to do what they want them to do without any practice, they reach too far, and, disappointment.

You need to always be pushing yourself, no doubt, but you also need to learn where the limits of how fast and far you can push yourself without going over the edge. It's a fine line. But, if you want to do art, you need to find it.

So, let me stop blabbering and get to some of the drawings. Recently I've taken to asking for recommendations. What do people want to see me draw? There have been some suggestions that I'd never thought I'd do...and others that have led me down some interesting rabbit holes...or have inspired me to go in a completely different direction. No one is an island...always coming up with my own ideas can be tiring...and it's fun to see where other people's heads are at. It also gets people involved :) If there's anything you'd like to see me draw, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments. So far I've done like 80% of the ones people have asked me to, there's a high percentage I'll draw what you ask, hehe.

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Friday was definitely animal themed. I started with a rehash of horns, following in the path I'd been on for the last several days. That's when I had that brilliant idea to ask others for ideas...after which the suggestions for tiger, jellyfish, and 'my dogs' came in. 'My dogs' came from my sister, which made me chuckle because I knew it was coming. But, I was planning to draw them at some point anyways. Those two are just too cute not to. Why I did elephants? Mainly because when I pulled up the tiger images there happened to be some really dope elephant ones. And, I figured, why not?

Which came out pretty cool since when I posted it on Reddit it went decently viral with like 2400 upvotes...reaching the top of the page by morning. I'm a little proud of that :) The screenshot was early in the morning, around 10am...and was still climbing last time I looked. It also shows me how random upvotes are because I posted the tiger pic that night too, but only got like 6 upvotes.

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On to my sketches from Saturday :) I did pretty much the same thing, asked for some suggestions, then just followed where my heart willed. Space seemed to be the strong theme, hehe. Maybe sometimes soon I'll draw a spaceman riding a dragon in some weird alien environment. Be all David Drake about it, hehe. (Sci-fi book reference).

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Remember how I said that I could keep on going, and going, and going, until I hit the drawing that kinda make me cringe? That's why I stopped with the Geisha, hehe. It was also like 3am and I was bored of watching Star Trek: TNG.

It's been a couple of productive days. I think I've been avoiding finished products for a while. Hiding in the 'practice phase.' Saying I just want to get better...but for what reason if I'm not creating something finished. That might be my next big challenge, one I've mentioned before, figuring out an actual series. It really is a scary feeling. It means putting myself out there, trying to find a concept that makes me sit up, planning what I want it to look like, then actually executing...

Actually executing...the step that stops like 99% of people from getting what they want. That huge gap between those who want and those who get... Wanting is safe and easy. You can do it inside your head all day and no one will ever know. The moment you try and get, well, that's the moment it becomes real and suddenly everyone is watching you, judging you. The endless moment of truth for a successful artist, lol. For anything, really.

But before I get too philosophical again and get on some random rant, I'm gonna get going and grab some lunch. Friends keep on telling me that I need to take better care of myself. So, I'm trying to do so. Thank you all for coming by and reading/looking/flashing by. As I always say, it means a lot to me. This path is a hard one to travel and every person that comes by is someone who helps to feed the fire that keeps me going strong. Hope y'all have a great weekend! Well...Sunday, hehe.


Previous posts:
My creative journey - A chill night
My Creative Journey - A new tool!!!! :)
My Creative Journey: Day 60. Dragons have taken roost inside my head.
My Creative Journey - the weekend of Dragons ends :)
My Creative Journey - Weekend dragons
My Creative Journey - watercolor days
My creative journey - sketching sketching sketching
My Creative Journey 52, 53, 54...55? Do numbers really matter?
My Creative Journey 51
My Creative Journey 49 + 50 (shit tons of art...)
My Creative Journey 48
My Creative Journey 47
My Creative Journey 46
My Creative Journey 45
My Creative Journey 44
My Creative Journey 43
My Creative Journey 42
My Creative Journey 41
My Creative Journey 40

See available original drawings and paintings for sale


Original work for sale on Etsy

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Merchandise with my art available on Society 6

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Pretty cool stuff :)

Thanks! More coming shortly :) Been a busy week.

Be looking forward to it ....Cheers :)

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