Follow up to update

in #art3 years ago

Here is a sample from the comic. Started this project back in high school. Now, 20+years later I am going back in and re-inking the book. Life got in the way ( trying to be an “adult”) and I have time now to finally finish it. The Last update post I made mentioned that all the pages are done. Just want to make some new covers and a friend to write a forward for me. I am also thinking about getting another friend to make the new cover for me.

Horror/Comedy/Gore  Inspired by horror movies and underground independent comics from the ’80s and ’90s. A handful of friends go into the woods on a vacation. Find a book. All hell breaks loose and follows them back to school the next day. I have an idea for a follow-up story that takes place 20+ years in the future. Some of the art I have been posting here are ideas for the time jump.

A few years ago I did some work with a publishing company. I reached out to them and they are going to format and publish the book for me. I don’t know what is going to come from it. I am really just doing it for myself. I want to see a stack of that book, 100% done setting on one of my shelves.

sample for posts.jpg

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