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RE: WIP Character | Little Retro Robot

in #art5 years ago

It's up to you.... but remember... back in the day, artists would make their own brushes and paints... So... are you a cheater if you're buying pre-made brushes... and buying a tube of blue paint, instead of grinding your own cobalt, are you a cheater? What's the difference between pre-made assets and community addons? They sound identical to me- except maybe who the manufacturer is. The trick is not to rely on pre-made assets, and know how to modify everything... so that you repurpose it into an original creation that doesn't look like the original asset. For example: If you model an assassin - I don't think anyone is going to care if the handgun is a stock-gun from turbsquid..... Texture it how you like, scuff it up... paint-over the render... You can completely change how it looks, or keep it the same--- doesn't really matter.. .it's not about the gun.. it's the story the gun is involved in. You can even use a base-mesh (Daz/Poser/etc) --- just so long as you make it yours.... pose, lighting, material, texture, the model itself of course can be modifed greatly... there are so many ways to change something around.

Look... There's times you'll have a tight deadline.. when people are paying you for art, there's often going to have a crazy short deadline.... So, if I have something specific I need to do, and I know what tools / models are going to save me time.... and I'll finish it, make it kick serious ass, while you try to model from scratch. :) I'll get the EXACT result that I want....even better, I'll get the client the EXACT results that they want.... Complete more variations, make a happier client, and a much slicker final image. Iteration is the magic.... The more versions you can do on an idea, the better you can get with it-


Okay, that's good enough advice for me to stop doing that. You're right, just because the asset was made by someone else doesn't mean we can't make it ours (not stealing it, changing its look XD) and that we're cheating.

I've had someone asked me to create something for them in 3d before, and yeah, the deadline was short, 2 days, but good thing it was a logo so I could finished it (made a couple iterations for the client to choose) in 1 day. If it was a character, then I don't know how to finish it--let alone making a couple iterations in 1 day XD
Ok, I think now I'll start to use some pre-made asset (only) when needed.

Challenge yourself. Find a kit of nuts and bolts to enhance this bot.

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