in #art6 years ago (edited)


We the people are unhappy with the lives we lead provided by the governments we have chosen, with the poor to no real choices we are left to choose from.

I hear a lot of whining the word is all around.
But all I ever hear is a whole lot of fear.
We'll put pen to paper let's go another round.
Let's take this one to court they say!
We all gather as a crowd.
It always seems to amaze me, the bullshit we've uncovered.
Nothing ever seems to change as we leave to lock the courtroom doors.

I hear a little talk. Let's take up arms they say.
“Let them see what we're made of. Show them what we've got.”
But what I really think is I'd rather fucking not.
For war has always been their way.
It's certainly not of ours.
I've never heard a living being decide to fight another war.
But to the government you see.
Well to them it means fuck all.
For we the people fight their war
Only to come home and see us and all our people still living rather poor.
But the government you see.
They always win they always gain it all.

So I put to you my fellow man.
Lets gather all around.
Let's shut up for once stop making so much sound.
For we the people have always had the power.
Without us you see, these silly pricks can't even take a shower.
It's us soon you'll see who holds all the power.
We don't really need to fight them or ever go to war.
All we ever had to do is simple, let's do nothing at all.
If we all take one day to stay at home and play.
Don't go to work on that very day, don't pay a bill or purchase anything, leave the car in the driveway.
Don't do anything at all, we simply sit in peace and do fuck all.
Don't add to their fake economy.
That's how we make them feel the real pain of sodomy.
That'll surely make them squeal.
Taught by my deer old grandfather before he passed, this is the only Australian way to gain our power back on that very day.

So look around and see how now we're all connected.
It’s all one world one race you see.
We can all agree right now, stand united!
When all can see us here down under now pulling off this shit.
Only one thing will be on all their minds to cross their lips.
How them fucken Aussies are really onto it.
The only thing they'll all be saying.
Is. "Fuck it! Let's all follow suit.”
So let's starve out the rich one percent.
That's really all I've ever said and all I've ever meant.

Author Tony Marshall
Pics by Google images

Side note:-) I only ever met my grandfather once, I was thirteen. He told me my family history in Australia all the way back to the first fleet. We came as convicts. Then the only thing he ever taught me was this one sentence.
Don't ever let the government fool you into thinking you have no power.
I thought him crazy to even say that to a thirteen year old. I had no idea what it meant. I said no way they too big. He said all the people have to do is sit down and do nothing. The workers stick together put a holt on work. The government will give in to everything you want to get you back to work. It's that simple. They are nothing without us. So no matter how bad it gets. You can always put a stop to it. By doing nothing. I've since found he's complete correct.

It has happened before.

Our for fathers knew and we've allowed ourselves to be tricked into submission.


Another brilliant piece Tony. Infact what you say is correct the answer is in peace not war. But there is a problem I am afraid, and Im not trying to be negative. Just share what I know about people. As a long time union man I have lots of experience of disputes with big companies. You see the problem is you will always get the wingers. They may agree about getting better working conditions and they will all vote for action but when the day comes and the Boss has told them all his woes. They will feel sorry for him. Then you get some not back the action. Then the ones that do start saying why am I losing money and they are working and if we win they will get the benifit ... Etc etc... When all they all need to understand is that if eveyone takes action and stands firm it will be over very quick. So to build a world action day would be a huge undertaking. But its not to say it cant be done. People just need to see how they have been treated over the years. Oh and don't forget governments have huge resorses to call on . Agent provocateurs are standing in the wings to make sure it wont go without violence. So we need to be more clever than them. Proper training camps etc. Remember police can control huge crowds with far less people. Because they are trained and organised. 😎

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We always will get people who can't work it out but eventually they follow the crowd when they see a clear path. We live in a world full of pettiness it's a big part of the problem. Most of it comes from the current system that forces us to stand on each other to get anywhere.
The Part about the police being able to contain many people. Well If we all stay home and don't group. That creates a hell of a lot of work for them. It can't be done. Too spread out. Can't exactly come to every house and make us work. Even the churches all put together can't knock on that many doors. Bit hard to take violence to people who just refuse to participate and are not creating a scenario to bring violence upon themselves. Basically crash the system then go back and use what we need as a community. I know that won't go down well because people are exactly the way you say. I don't think it go too bad though. Because most people like a structured life. If enough people know what should be happening. These people will fall into line. They just don't want to do the thinking to get there. The thoughts never crossed their minds.
Reason I don't think it go as bad as most think is. Most people are inherently good at heart. They don't want trouble, trouble scares most people. Also look at any disaster, I've been in a few now. Cyclones in Australia and from what I see. That's when the community bands together and talk to each other, helping each other any way they can. Last one I was in I got my work crew together and we went and visited the people we all know and offered help. We took two chainsaws cleared driveways and put fences back up. Tarped off roofs thet were partly missing. All my staff were happy to come for a few days and I never paid them. Not one person was unhappy about that. They all felt great and I heard them talk of this on many occasions. They were always very proud of those few days.
Id like to do a head count just to see how many people are actually willing to do this. It could snow ball and that alone would put the wind fair up our oppressors arses. Wouldn't that be nice? Would certainly make them back off plenty.

You make some good points here Tony.
I often wonder when there is a transport strike why people strive so hard to get to work and moan about the people being on strike when the best way they could help resolve the problem is to simply say I couldn't get to work and stay at home. Adding to the preasure and helping their fellow workers in the process.

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That's exactly the attitude that's need. That's people uniting right there. I have family in the truck industry here and they all know that if they all get together and stop driving. That's literally the end of this country. We have long distanceas between everything here and no trucks. That's the end of it all. These drivers all talk to each other. They all talk about this a lot. They all know their worth. They also know that if they all park on the roads it stops everything else as well. There are many industries that if they band together can stop a country instantly.
Remember Saddam. They surrounded the place and let no ships in. They need all their food brought in. Their soldiers got hungry and surrendered. No weapons were ever needed. They used them anyway, had to make it look like a war and think all the money involved in rebuilding the place. Plenty sticky fingers in that mix. My point being, we can use the same tactics, it's actually us the workers who are behind it all. The Only thing stopping people is fear of what may happen. So times will be confusing a bit tough for a short time. Big deal. Life under the current conditions is no Sunday picnic.

cuz they have to address the basic human need. food, and they fear losing their job. a large company closed down last week here in Sidney. Now the Salvation Army is feeding them.

No pain no gain. Many people have given up a lot more in the past to change things. And now we need big change. How this will come and in what form it takes I'm not sure. But it is way over due. Its time to redress the balance I think. Wish there was a reset button lol.

I wish there was a reset button too. I do not like these times. However no pain no gain really does not always work. If you read what I responded to Tony I said the world needs to spontaneously combust. Every time the world has a natural disaster people turn into humans. Helping each other at all costs. At great lengths. The true human spirit. One day we will all go poof.

I agree. One day it will just come out and people will wake up. Bring on the alien invasion hoax. That should do it. Only that will be used against us to finish of the NWO one world gumbyment.

lol there ya go

". He said all the people have to do is sit down and do nothing."

This is, by far, the smartest advice I've ever heard. 🤗

A silent war. What if....

We organize something like, World Peace Day.
Everyone stops what they're doing and stays silent for 24 hours. Wherever they are, just don't go to work. Stay home and relax. If people want to gather together in the streets, bring food, water and warm clothes to share. Hug anyone that yells or tries to cause violence.

I dunno, just an idea. I'm getting a lot of those lately. I just wish i knew what to do with them. 🤔😁💗

You Know what I love about this place? People like you who think hey this is not hard and quite doable. You have cheered me up. Have you heard of the three percent rule? Known as 3% critical mass! It states that any time 3% of the population decide to unite coming together with a common cause, that is all you need to over throw any government. This has been proven throughout history. That's all it's ever taken.
My theory on this is. That any time the people see this amount come together. The rest will see it can work and follow suit.
I already believe with all the different groups of people for what ever reason don't like the way we are living. If they all stopped for one moment come together on a common theme like this. If we were to do just a headcount on all these people. Would find way more than 3%. Everyone has a problem and it all comes from the same place. You don't have to be conspiracy theorist or anything in particular to have the same problem. We are all oppressed one way or anotherto varying degrees.
If we started something up for people to put ther name on if they would be terested in doing this. That alone would scare the shit out of the elite and show the people just how ny we are. They use division to trick us. We only need to get around that.

We're quickly approaching the point that drastic action will be needed. Something like never before. It can be done. Nothing is impossible. I've literally seen it all. It's a matter of how do we do it? I'm here to help, I know that much. I just don't know how yet. All ideas welcome! 😊

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I've always felt that this idea would work to get the people to band together. It's not dangerous no violence, what are they going to do? Come round with cattle prods get us moving again. Gives them no reason to attack the people. My further writings I will go deeper into it all. That's a promise. It's why I chose steemit. It can't be removed.

So, there are a few things happening on the world stage right now that are concealing truths from us.
There's about to be a major move made by one side in hopes to finally shed some light on the real truth.
In order to attempt to keep control of the situation, there will be a false flag attack.
We'll be told that we've made contact with aliens, but they're hostile and coming to kill us.
Instead of panicking and believing the lie, we need to come together and reject violence of any kind. (It will be suggested that we should blast a nuke at the aliens) 🙄

It's gonna happen soon. Before Christmas.

There. That's what I came to do. I hope the message landed in the right spot. 🤗💜

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I'm Not sure it will happen that soon but they definitely have an agenda where aliens are concerned. I think you'll find the flat earthers will be all over that one. See who rally believs the earth is flat or not. Cos the flat earthers, to them there is no space. No aliens!

Some months back, I wrote something similar to this on my minds.com channel, and on my blog on here. It wasn't about everyone taking one day off. It was about people living off the grid permanently. As I point out in it, some people already live off grid.

In sorry I missed replying to you yesterday. Living off grid is the only way to secure some form of freedom. Being there are so few people willing to take the leap to a new way without powerful overlords hanging over every aspect of our lives. I see that as sending humanity backwards if we were to abandon everything and take that as our only option. We the people includes all our scientists, doctors, Imventeres builders and everything else included. It also includes that we own and operate all factories, farms, hospitals and so on. Why should we abandon everything we have created ? When it's only a small amount of people with invested old money who we need to abandon and we still own and operate everything we need. We have half the population with no work. They are pretty much left out of the community and turn to drugs and other forms of escapism. Legal or illegal drugs are all the same. These people need to comit crime since their basic needs are not met. They have no choice. The other half is working way too hard with no one in the home to raise the children. So we let the state instill their values not the parents. These people are mostly also on drugs as a coping mechanism. Their marriages fail the family breaks down anyway due to stress. Often over money. They are in debt. Basically no one is happy. If we were to let all people work and help that would take a lot of stress of both side. One half can enjoy life a little more work less the other half gets to rejoin the community pitching in. Working with others is also a social outlet and makes people feel worth something. If we build things to last rather than the consumerist throw away society we have now. People need to work less. Think of this. If we all have a swimming pool in our home. That is a lot of resources and labor wasted. And who uses it every day? It has to be cleaned maintained. So it's a waste. Now what's wrong with putting one in the street for every one to use and people pitch in on the up keep to it? We share. We don't all need our own. Also would create a more valuable community as we all run into each other in passing.
The same goes for cars, boats. All sorts of things. Think about a complex of 20 units. They all have a car each. Yet at any time half the cars are parked not being used. That's a waste. They only need twelve cars to share and there is always two spare. If they are built to last then that's less work in repairs and less work in the factory building them. Don't even need keys and locks. They belong to all the people.
Some say that without money no one will do anything. Well we all die. Necessety is a huge driving force to get people motivated. Think about this. World without money. When you ask a child what they want to do when they grow up. They say a fireman cos they want to save people or some job that they know someone does like mum or dad. Or something else they feel is really cool. Not one child says. I want to be an engineer cos they are on $180,000 a year with medical insurance. You never hear that. I really like that you are thinking about other options. That's all that's rally needed. Cos what we got now is shit and getting far worse by the day.
U might like the last piece I wrote before this. It's on my feed called ( rich verses poor. ) right under this one.

Hi. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I would have done it yesterday, but I was to tired. I think that you and I would at the end of the day, have a different outlook on all of this. However, I read your reply, and I would like to offer you my thoughts on what you wrote to me.

"In sorry I missed replying to you yesterday. Living off grid is the only way to secure some form of freedom. Being there are so few people willing to take the leap to a new way without powerful overlords hanging over every aspect of our lives."
Like you, I too care about freedom. I personally think that if one was to be free, the first thing they would need to have is a free mind. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that a lot of people out there will always follow the top dogs.

"It also includes that we own and operate all factories" I imagine that there are a number of reasons why an individual would own a factory. One at least possible reason that I would point out is that it is individuals that invent things and make all the discoveries.

" Think of this. If we all have a swimming pool in our home. That is a lot of resources and labor wasted. And who uses it every day? It has to be cleaned maintained. So it's a waste. Now what's wrong with putting one in the street for every one to use and people pitch in on the up keep to it?" I see nothing wrong with people having their own swimming pool. If everyone could have that, who say's that it has to be a swimming pool that is there? On the piece I wrote that I told you about, I explained that my interest in off grid living developed from an interest in prepping. I have seen a prepping program on the internet where a guy in America had a swimming pool. He took the water out, and converted it into a aquaponics bay. If you don't know what that is then look it up. As to people keeping up a public pool, that may not go so smoothly. Do you never fail to do your own domestic chores?

"We share. We don't all need our own." The way I see it. If people are going to go off the grid, then we do need our own.

"The same goes for cars, boats. All sorts of things." There are people who have gone off grid at the moment, and have done so in their own boats and vehicles. People having things like there own cars gives them the independence that is necessary for freedom.

"Think about a complex of 20 units." I don't think of people as units.

"Some say that without money no one will do anything. Well we all die. Necessety is a huge driving force to get people motivated." Without money, people may not do extra. Why spend so much time studying, working extra hard, or sacrificing in some other way when you can just do what you need to to feed, clothe, and look after yourself? I think that the reason we have money is because society quickly gets to the point where bartering is not practical. Imagine a plumber doing some plumbing for a wheat farmer. If the farmer isn't going to give him money, what is he going to give him? Some wheat that hasn't even been milled? What is the plumber going to do with that?

"Think about this. World without money. When you ask a child what they want to do when they grow up. They say a fireman cos they want to save people or some job that they know someone does like mum or dad. Or something else they feel is really cool. Not one child says. I want to be an engineer cos they are on $180,000 a year with medical insurance. You never hear that. " When I was about six. I thought to myself that I wanted to be a policeman. I did not know of any other occupation at that time, and I thought that with no real understanding of what a police officer was. Children always answer the question of what they want to be when they grow up because it is the question they get asked. They are never asked about salaries and insurance. A boy may want to be a fireman when he is 8. Will he still feel the same way when he is 18?

A timely post, as I said something similar in my post tonight regarding another evil structure. The only part I part from you on is

We the people are unhappy with the lives we lead provided by the governments we have chosen

It is an illusion to think we played a role in choosing these leaders. They are chosen by those they serve, then offered to the public using scripts designed to divide the house against itself.

I appreciate your sentiment, and look forward to your future posts.

I gritted my teeth to put that part in there. Im in a country where it's compulsory to vote I have not voted a day in my life. The people who vote it's their fault they chose it. I never chose anything. This is written in hope to reach more of those people. There is more of them than there is us who see. I totally agree with you. It's a forced system.

Ever hear of the rainbow family of living light?

We have workshops and are a center of connection for the standing Rock protest and other activists and amazing activism. As well as supportive of the Leonard Peltier defence committee.

My adopted family of Kid Village was lead by Filipe Chavez a medicine man and activist himself for his entire life.

Not sure I'm very familiar with them. The name sounds familiar. I've not heard of them being in Australia but I have connected with a lot of good activists on other platforms. I stay very in tune with them and keep involved with whatever is going on.
I've done a lot on unity in the past and I've connected a lot of good activists together from all sorts of places. I just felt that certain people really needed to know each other and work together.

What a fantastic thought. Really. This could be done should be done. Peace through silence a beautiful plan.
Your creative work is truly amazing.

I love the idea of bringing peace by doing nothing and it bring total chaos to our rulers.
A silent revolution. If they seen us doing a head count on this to take a stand. That alone would start scaring them into submission. They only push us as far as we let them. They have no other choice. It's why they keep us all so well divided.

You definitely speak the truth.

People tear me apart long ago if I was full of shit. That's the way of the world. The mob loves to attack the feeble. They'd never think to elevate their fellow man. Just take a cheep shot to get their instant gratification. No effort in that. Thank you for your kind words.

I actually think the world has to self destruct before it gets better. People always seem to ban together in a crises. No matter the country and no matter the situation. Fire, flood, earthquake. Disasters bring out the best in humanity.When we forget our do to list and actually lend a hand. Like a human. So once we all go kapoof. Wow, imagine what could happen.

I love it and you're correct. Im talking about a mass sit down to bring that shit on. Turning on our masters so to speak. Get rid of all the bullshit and let people take it all over. If that happens. We will have to work together. Will be disastrous if we don't. No food no water no electricity. That's a disaster right there. It doesn't have to be. Everything still works we can turn it all on. It's the people on the ground that make everything happen anyway.

I will be fine, come on over. I live off grid, we have a wood stove, you will never be cold, I have a well so we have water. I grow apples and berries on my land and I could plant a garden and we can fish for makeral on the sea shore. You can use my yard for the sit down.

Hell yeah! Best offer ever. I intend to take you up on this some day.

Throwing votes on this! Get it!

I get the feeling you like the plan. Otherwise im not sure, I'm pretty new here to the voting system.
Just the word vote. It alone scares the shit out of me 😂

For we the people have always had the power.
Without us you see, these silly pricks can't even take a shower.

Thank you.

Don't do anything at all, we simply sit in peace and do fuck all.
Don't add to their fake economy.
That's how we make them feel the real pain of sodomy.


Bless your Grandfather as well, thanks so much for sharing that story...he sounds like an awesome inspiration!

Knew you'd like the economy verse and identify that it's the workers who own this world.
Hardly knew the man apparently was a bit nasty but he came once that was what he had to say. Must've known that's all I needed to know. So it is not lost. Must say I am greatful he passed that to me. Was meant to be. I had one night with him he knew his shit and I never forgot one word of what he said. Carried it with me till it all made sense. I even went and checked out his story on the family history. Cos I trust no one 😂 ️especially someone I just met. It all checked out.

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