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RE: An Artist Life: My Story as an Aspiring Artist

in #artguildph7 years ago

I often dream about traveling to interesting places and scetching the buildings, places, people, and whatever I would otherwise take a picture of. Unfortunately I have the artistic talent of a below average kindergarten finger painting student. But becoming mildly proficient is on my short list of skills to persue. Congratulations on having such a talent, it is truly an admirable thing😊


Thank you so much for your time and appreciating my article.

Me too, I really want to draw places I have been too, but sometimes it's time consuming so I just took photos of places and moments. I havea lot of photos too ! Hahaha. And regarding your art skills, I believe that there's a way to improve and use what you have if you really pursue it. May be that kindergarten finger painting skill that you said will become your artstyle soon ? 😊

Well, first of all, you're very welcome! And yeah, I'm really hoping that finger painting thing catches on. If not, I can can draw a mean hand-traced turkey!

On a serious note, though, I really admire your passion and skill. I try to follow people who are interesting and provide an example to emulate, especially in a field that I'm interested in. Followed.

Thank you so much big time !
People like you are one of my inspirations to draw more and paint more. I really wish I could meet all of you and give some tokens.
I also followed you too and hope to see you around :D

Well, great! I'm glad that my encouragement means something to you!! I went through some of your posts to get a firm idea of what you're putting out there (Love the photos! Very eclectic collection of some really cool stuff).

I wanted to get a better idea of your posts because I was nominated for #thesevendaybnwchallenge and I have to nominate a new person every day for 7 days. I immediately thought of you and I wanted to mention what kind of posts you make when I nominate you tommorrow/today!

Unless you don't want to be nominated. I would understand completely if you don't. Frankly, I'm pretty new and have been having a hard time getting the posting thing down, lol. So I was a little apprehensive myself. I'm a many years long reddit commenter, so that's what I know. All I really know, lol.

So, if I don't hear from you I'll assume that you're okay with it. And seeing your posts I think you would be perfect!

Oh, and if you're into resteeming, go ahead and resteem the one where I'm promoting you, if you want (or any, if you think they're really worth it). Can't promise it'll bring you much, though. It probably won't get much attention😜

Thank you for your kind appreciation (My heart is overflowing now hahaha)

I see, I see. I would love to accept your nomination. It's new for me.! I'll take a look on your profile. Thank you for this offer. I'll wait for the post where you will mention me. Super thank you

Thank you, I'm here because I want this place to be a community of interesting people, fascinating content, education, and, my only marketable skill, humor, lol.

It's people like yourself who are the backbone of Steemit. I first came here 6 months ago and turned right back around and went to reddit again.

There didn't seem to be many people here who were genuinely contributing anything. It seemed like everyone thought they had found a way to get rich quick with Steem. It felt less like a community and more like pyramid scheme.

I just happened back over here about a week ago, and though there are still a lot of people who have no interest beyond finding any way to get an upvote, there are people like you here too. Content producers, people who engage with one another, comments that are more than 3 word platitudes spammed everywhere in hopes of an upvote.

Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anyone for wanting to be involved in that aspect of Steemit. Hell, I like seeing the few pennies I get here and there too! But if that's all there is, then why stay?

The handful of people who I've met, like you, who seem to effortlessly and regularly contribute quality content, and who are pleasant and easy to engage are the only reason that I'm here. So again, thank you.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

You are saint, @rewardpoolrape! Here, have, what I'm sure will only be, a shiny little penny of an upvote from me😊

Oh, and followed!

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