
Thank you for your entry in the digital art category!

Hey @lovesoldier69 this one looks like a winner to me! I’d be shocked if you didn’t! Funny,perfectly drawn, just down right cute. My pic of the day. And there’s some awsome aliens here.

Entries are only accepted if you upvote and resteem.

@deemarshall Ready friend, I already did it. Please accept my entry

No problem. Sometimes vote and resteems don't show up for hours especially if you use Busy. Thank you for your entry in the non-digital art category!

Wow, what a great drawing! I loved it!

Thank you for your entry in the non-digital art category!

Thank you for your entry in the digital art category!

Thanks for putting these contests out there, I only found it today. Here is my post:
alex_alien3 mini.jpg

Thank you for letting us view your alien :)

Thank you! I hope to see an entry from you :)

Nice art...but what is the contest about?

You need to read the post :) Everything is explained there. Today's theme is 'aliens'.