Galaxy: Painting My Stress Away

in #artzone7 years ago (edited)


The Story Behind the Galaxy Painting

It all happened when I was so stressed out by school works! I was imprisoned by homeworks, exams, requirements, and field activities. I just had to let it all out. My friends and I usually go eat or foodtripping after escaping from our cells but we were slightly broke from all the money we had to spend just to accomplish the projects and everything school needed.

It was about 3pm in the afternoon, when I decided to get out of the apartment and just take a walk to calm my overused brain. I stopped by this budget-friendly store and decided to have a look around. As I was roaming around, I found this very cheap watercolor painting and didn’t hesitate to buy it. I bought at a price of 36pesos and it has a free brush. Haha.

Yes, frugality has been running into my blood.

Going on.

I went back home and was just excited to try out this painting materials I just bought. It’s my first attempt to paint, I did it just for fun disregarding the fact that it would end up tragically.

So, there I was preparing my painting neccesities. I used sketchbook/sketchpaper as my painting paper. (Don’t judge me! I did this for fun only.) When I was about to start, I remembered that I didn’t even know what to paint. Haha. What a shame. Hehe.

I openned youtube and typed “galaxy watercolor tutorial for beginners”. Youtube has been alot of help since I engaged in crafts and cooking. Bless you Youtube!

There it was, I tried to follow the tutorial and got a not bad results. I painted a galaxy and just painted my stress away. Haha.

I’m laughing while I was typing the story behind this painting of mine. Haha

// @teardrops


Good article and very nice art ;)

Thanks! :) Will do better with painting. This was beginners luck.