Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Superconductivity [Cond-Mat.Supr-Con] | 2019-02-01

in #arxiv6 years ago

Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.

Possible light-induced superconductivity in a strongly correlated electron system (1706.09366v2)

Nikolaj Bittner, Takami Tohyama, Stefan Kaiser, Dirk Manske


Using a nonequilibrium implementation of the Lanczos-based exact diagonalisation technique we study the possibility of the light-induced superconducting phase coherence in a solid state system after an ultrafast optical excitation. In particular, we investigate the buildup of superconducting correlations by calculating an exact time-dependent wave function reflecting the properties of the system in non-equilibrium and the corresponding transient response functions. Within our picture we identify a possible transient Meissner effect after dynamical quenching of the non-superconducting wavefunction and extract a characteristic superfluid density that we compare to experimental data. Finally, we find that the stability of the induced superconducting state depends crucially on the nature of the excitation quench: namely, a pure interaction quench induces a long-lived superconducting state, whereas a phase quench leads to a short-lived transient superconductor.

Enhanced critical temperature, pairing fluctuation effects, and BCS-BEC crossover in a two-band Fermi gas (1901.11444v1)

Hiroyuki Tajima, Yuriy Yerin, Andrea Perali, Pierbiagio Pieri


We calculate the superfluid critical temperature in a two-band attractive Fermi system with strong pairing fluctuations associated with both interband and intraband couplings. We focus specifically on a configuration where the intraband coupling is varied from weak to strong in a shallow band coupled to a weakly-interacting deeper band. The whole crossover from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) condensation of largely overlapping Cooper pairs to the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of tightly bound molecules is covered by our analysis, which is based on the extension of the Nozi`{e}res-Schmitt-Rink (NSR) approach to a two-band system. In comparison with the single-band case, we find a strong enhancement of the critical temperature, a significant reduction of the preformed pair region where pseudogap effects are expected, and the entanglement of two kinds of composite bosons in the strong-coupling BEC regime.

Dominant -wave superconducting gap in PdTe observed by tunneling spectroscopy on side-junctions (1901.04227v2)

J. A. Voerman, J. C. de Boer, T. Hashimoto, Yingkai Huang, Chuan Li, A. Brinkman


We have fabricated superconductor-normal metal side-junctions with different barrier transparencies out of PdTe crystalline flakes and measured the differential conductance spectra. Modeling our measurements using a modified Blonder Tinkham Klapwijk (BTK) formalism confirms that the superconductivity is mostly comprised of the conventional -wave symmetry. We have found that for junctions with very low barrier transparencies, the junctions can enter a thermal regime, where the critical current becomes important. Adding this to the BTK-model allows us to accurately fit the experimental data, from which we conclude that the superconductivity in the - plane of PdTe is dominated by conventional -wave pairing.

Electronic structures of quasi-one-dimensional cuprate superconductors BaCuO (1901.11392v1)

Kai Liu, Zhong-Yi Lu, Tao Xiang


An intact CuO plane is widely believed to be a prerequisite for the high- superconductivity in cuprate superconductors. However, an exception may exist in the superconducting BaCuO materials where CuO chains play a more important role. From first-principles density functional theory calculations, we have studied the electronic and magnetic structures of BaCuO. The stoichiometric BaCuO and BaCuO contain quasi-one-dimensional CuO chains and intact two-dimensional CuO planes, respectively. In comparison with the nonmagnetic metal BaCuO, BaCuO is found to be an antiferromagnetic (AFM) Mott insulator. It possesses a nearest-neighbor intra-chain antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling and a weak inter-chain interaction, and its lowest unoccupied band and highest occupied band are contributed by Cu 3-orbital (or -orbital if we denote the -plane as the -plane) and O 2-orbitals, respectively. Total energy calculations indicate that the oxygen vacancies in BaCuO prefer to reside in the planar sites rather than the apical oxygens in the CuO chains, in agreement with the experimental observation. Furthermore, we find that the magnetic frustrations or spin fluctuations can be effectively induced by moderate charge doping. This suggests that the superconducting pairing in oxygen-enriched BaCuO or oxygen-deficient BaCuO is likely to be mainly driven by the AFM fluctuations within CuO chains.

Colloquium: Nonequilibrium effects in superconductors with a spin-splitting field (1706.08245v5)

F. Sebastian Bergeret, Mikhail Silaev, Pauli Virtanen, Tero T. Heikkila


We review the recent progress in understanding the properties of spin-split superconductors under non-equilibrium conditions. Recent experiments and theories demonstrate a rich variety of transport phenomena occurring in devices based on such materials that suggest direct applications in thermoelectricity, low-dissipative spintronics, radiation detection and sensing. We discuss different experimental situations and present a theoretical framework based on quantum kinetic equations. Within this framework we provide an accurate description of the non-equilibrium distribution of charge, spin and energy, which are the relevant non-equilibrium modes, in different hybrid structures. We also review experiments on spin-split superconductors and show how transport measurements reveal the properties of the non-equilibrium modes and their mutual coupling. We discuss in detail spin injection and diffusion and very large thermoelectric effects in spin-split superconductors.

Theoretical studies for identifying horizontal line nodes via angle-resolved density of states measurements ---Application to SrRuO-- (1901.11283v1)

Kazushige Machida, Koki Irie, Katsuhiro Suzuki, Hiroaki Ikeda


On the basis of the microscopic quasi-classical Eilenberger theory, we analyze the recent angle-resolved specific heat experiment carried out at low temperature for SrRuO to identify the superconducting gap symmetry, comprising either horizontal or vertical line nodes relative to the tetragonal crystal symmetry. Several characteristics, in particular, the landscape of the in-plane oscillation amplitude with a definite sign for almost the entire - plane are best explained by the horizontal line node symmetry, especially when the multiband effect and Pauli paramagnetic effect are taken into account. The present analysis of with definite sign points to the presence of an anomalous field region at a lower temperature in the experimental data, whose origin is investigated. Our theory demonstrates the application and uniqueness of the field-rotating thermodynamic measurements in uncovering the precise gap structure for target materials.

Triplet superconductivity in ferromagnets due to magnon exchange (1901.11248v1)

Lev Bulaevskii, Ronivon Eneias, Alvaro Ferraz


We consider the superconducting pairing induced by spin waves exchange in a ferromagnet with both conduction and localized electrons, the latter being described as spins. We use the microscopic Eliashberg theory to describe the pairing of conducting electrons and the RPA approach to treat the localized spins assuming an exchange coupling between the conducting electrons and spins. In the framework of non relativistic Hamiltonian twe found that he spin wave exchange results in equal spin electron pairing described by the two components of the order parameter, (both spins up) and (both spins down). Due to the conservation of total spin projection on the axis of the spontaneous ferromagnetic moment, the spin wave exchange at low temperatures includes an emission of magnons and an absorption of thermal magnons by the conduction electrons. The absorption and emission processes depend differently on the temperature, with the absorption being progressively suppressed as the temperature drops. As a result, the superconducting pairing exists only if the electron-spin wave exchange parameter exceeds some critical value . At pairing vanishes if the temperature drops below the lowest point or increases above the upper critical point (the Curie temperature) where the spin waves cease to exist. This behavior inherent to the spin carrying glue is in an obvious disagreement with the results of conventional BCS approach which assumes that the effective electron-electron attraction is simply proportional to the static magnetic susceptibility.

Signatures of Nematic Superconductivity in Doped BiSe under Applied Stress (1901.11237v1)

Pye Ton How, Sung-Kit Yip


The family are candidates for topological superconductors, where could be Cu, Sr, or Nb. Two-fold anisotropy has been observed in various experiments, prompting the interpretation that the superconducting state is nematic. However, it has since been recognized in the literature that a two-fold anisotropy in the upper critical field is incompatible with the na"{i}ve nematic hypothesis. In this paper we study the Ginzburg-Landau theory of a nematic order parameter coupled with an applied stress, and classify possible phase diagrams. Assuming that the puzzle is explained by a pre-existing "pinning field", we indicate how a stress can be applied to cancel the pinning field and unmask the actual anisotropy of the superconducting state itself. We also explore the Josephson tunneling between the proposed nematic superconducting state and an s-wave superconductor. Both the anisotropy and temperature dependence of the critical current are markedly different from the case of tunneling between s-wave superconductors.

Induced superconductivity in Fermi arcs (1901.11209v1)

Zahra Faraei, S. A. Jafari


When the interface of a superconductor (SC) with Weyl semimetal (WSM) supports Fermi arcs, the chirality blockade eliminates the induction of superconductivity into the bulk. This leaves the Fermi arc states as the only low-energy degrees of freedom in the proximity problem. Therefore the SC|WSM system will be a platform to probe transport properties that only involve the Fermi arcs. With a boundary condition that flips the spin at the boundary, we find a protected Bogoliubov Fermi contour (BFC) around which the Bogoliubov quasi-particles disperse linearly. The resulting BFC and excitations around it leave a distinct temperature dependence in their contribution to specific heat. Furthermore, the topologically protected BFC being a Majorana Fermi surface gives rise to a zero-bias peak the strength of which characteristically depends on the length of Fermi arc and tunneling strength. For the other BC that flips the chirality at the interface, instead of BFCs we have Bogoliubov- Weyl nodes whose location depends on the tunneling strength.

Renormalizations in unconventional superconducting states of CeYbCoIn (1808.10606v2)

Zhaofeng Ding, Jian Zhang, Cheng Tan, Kevin Huang, Ivy Lum, Oscar O. Bernal, Pei-Chun Ho, Douglas E. MacLaughlin, M. Brian Maple, Lei Shu


We have measured the superconducting penetration depth~ in the heavy-fermion/intermediate-valent superconducting alloy series~CeYbCoIn using transverse-field muon spin relaxation, to study the effect of intermediate-valent Yb doping on Fermi-liquid renormalization. From we determine the superfluid density , and find that it decreases continuously with increasing nominal Yb concentration~, i.e., with increasing intermediate valence. The temperature-dependent renormalization of the "normal" fluid density~ in both the heavy-fermion and intermediate valence limits is proportional to the temperature-dependent renormalization of the specific heat. This indicates that the temperature-dependent Fermi-liquid Landau parameters of the superconducting quasiparticles entering the two different physical quantities are the same. These results represent an important advance in understanding of both intermediate valence and heavy-fermion phenomena in superconductors.

Tilt-induced anomalous thermal transport in normal/superconducting borophane junctions (1901.11114v1)

Moslem Zare


We study charge and heat transport in normal-metal/superconductor (NS) hybrid junction, based on a tilted anisotropic Dirac material. Using the extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism, the conductance spectra of NS borophane, a two-dimensional Dirac semimetal with two tilted anisotropic Dirac cones in its dispersion, is investigated. Completely different from the usual normal-metal-superconductor junctions, in spite of the large mismatch in Fermi wavevectores of the normal-metal and superconductor sides of the borophane NS junction, the electron-hole conversion happens with unit probability at normal incidences. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in the heavily doped superconducting regime for heavily doped normal borophane, the electron-hole conversion happens with unit probability, approximately at any incident angle. The dependence of the Andreev with Fermi energy and bias voltage, enable us, selecting the retroconfiguration or specular configuration in types of Andreev reflection processes. We numerically establish an anomalous behavior of thermal conductance in borophane. The tilting of the Dirac cones gives rise to an anomalous behaviour in the thermal conductance of the NS hybrid junction of borophane, such that the thermal conductance decreases by increasing the temperature. Our findings will have potential applications for transport and energy control in superconducting quantum interference devices and hybridized mesoscopic systems.

Comment on "Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: Doped SrTiO3" (1901.11065v1)

Jonathan Ruhman, Patrick A. Lee


W"olfle and Balatsky Phys. Rev. B 98, 104505 (2018) have proposed a microscopic pairing mechanism for doped SrTiO (STO) based on the coupling of electronic density to the soft TO phonon mode. Since this coupling to TO phonons is usually weak, this conclusion is surprising, especially for a low density superconductor such as STO, where the density of states is small. A crucial step in the argument made by W"olfle and Balatsky is that the displacement vector of the TO mode is not strictly perpendicular to the momentum vector, making a deformation coupling possible. We show that they have made a mistake in computing the eigenvector and have grossly overestimated this lack of orthogonality. When corrected, the coupling is negligible. We also use transport data to put upper bounds on the coupling constant which are much smaller than the estimate by W"olfle and Balatsky. Finally, we also object to their use of the Eliashberg equation when the phonon frequency is larger than the Fermi energy.

Superconductivity near a ferroelectric quantum critical point in ultra low-density Dirac materials (1901.11064v1)

Vladyslav Kozii, Zhen Bi, Jonathan Ruhman


The experimental observation of superconductivity in doped semimetals and semiconductors, where the Fermi energy is comparable or smaller than the phonon frequencies, is not captured by conventional theory. In this paper, we propose a mechanism for superconductivity in ultra low-density Dirac materials based on the proximity to a ferroelectric quantum critical point. We consider both ionic and covalent crystals. We derive a low-energy theory that takes into account the strong Coulomb forces of the polarization modes and the direct coupling between the electrons and the soft phonon modes. We show that in the case of ionic crystals, Coulomb repulsion is strongly screened by the lattice polarization near the critical point. Using a renormalization group analysis in the low-density limit, we demonstrate that the effective electron-electron interaction is dominantly mediated by the transverse phonon mode. We find that the system generically flows towards strong electron-phonon coupling. Hence, we propose a new mechanism to simultaneously produce an attractive interaction and suppress strong Coulomb repulsion, which does not require retardation. We obtain qualitatively similar results for covalent crystals, though the Coulomb screening in this case is much weaker. We then apply our results to study superconductivity in the low-density limit. We find strong enhancement of the transition temperature upon approaching the quantum critical point. Finally, we also discuss scenarios to realize a topological -wave superconducting state in covalent crystals close to the critical point.

A DMRG Study of Superconductivity in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model (1901.11034v1)

Jordan Venderley, E. A. Kim


With the discovery of strong coupling physics and superconductivity in Moir'e superlattices, it's essential to have an understanding of strong coupling driven superconductivity in systems with trigonal symmetry. The simplest lattice model with trigonal symmetry is the triangular lattice Hubbard model. Although the triangular lattice spin model is a heavily studied model in the context of frustration, studies of the hole-doped triangular lattice Hubbard model are rare. Here we use density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) to investigate the domininant superconducting channels in the hole-doped triangular lattice Hubbard model over a range of repulsive interaction strengths. We find a clear transition from -wave superconductivity at moderate on-site repulsion strength () at filling above 1/4 () to -wave superconductivity at strong on-site repulsion strength () at filling below 1/4 (). The unusual tunability that Moir'e superlattices offer in controlling would open up the opportunity to realize this transition between -wave and -wave superconductivity.

Broadband microwave spectroscopy of semiconductor nanowire-based Cooper-pair transistors (1901.10992v1)

Alex Proutski, Dominique Laroche, Bas van 't Hooft, Peter Krogstrup, Jesper Nygård, Leo P. Kouwenhoven, Attila Geresdi


The Cooper-pair transistor (CPT), a small superconducting island enclosed between two Josephson weak links, is the atomic building block of various superconducting quantum circuits. Utilizing gate-tunable semiconductor channels as weak links, the energy scale associated with the Josephson tunneling can be changed with respect to the charging energy of the island, tuning the extent of its charge fluctuations. Here we directly demonstrate this control by mapping the energy level structure of a CPT made of an indium arsenide (InAs) nanowire (NW) with a superconducting aluminum (Al) shell. We extract the device parameters based on the exhaustive modeling of the quantum dynamics of the phase-biased nanowire CPT and directly measure the even-odd parity occupation ratio as a function of the device temperature, relevant for superconducting and prospective topological qubits.

Fermi Surface Volume of Interacting Systems (1808.00405v3)

B Sriram Shastry


Three Fermion number sumrules for interacting systems are derived at . Connecting them leads to the Luttinger-Ward sumrule in a broad setting that includes Fermi liquids, non-canonical Fermions, Tomonaga-Luttinger models and singlet-paired superconductors. The sumrules are found by requiring a continuous evolution from the Fermi gas, and assuming a monotonic increase of the canonical ensemble chemical potential with particle number. At finite a pseudo-Fermi surface and effective density are introduced and related to photoemission experiments. Their thermal variation at low reveals emergent low energy scales in strongly correlated matter.

Symmetry and correlation effects on band structure explain the anomalous transport properties of (111) LaAlO/SrTiO (1901.10931v1)

Udit Khanna, Prasanna K. Rout, Michael Mograbi, Gal Tuvia, Inge Leermakers, Uli Zeitler, Yoram Dagan, Moshe Goldstein


The interface between the two insulating oxides SrTiO and LaAlO gives rise to a two-dimensional electron system with intriguing transport phenomena, including superconductivity, which are controllable by a gate. Previous measurements on the (001) interface have shown that the superconducting critical temperature, the Hall density, and the frequency of quantum oscillations, vary nonmonotonically and in a correlated fashion with the gate voltage. In this paper we experimentally demonstrate that the (111) interface features a qualitatively distinct behavior, in which the frequency of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations changes monotonically, while the variation of other properties is nonmonotonic albeit uncorrelated. We develop a theoretical model, incorporating the different symmetries of these interfaces as well as electronic-correlation-induced band competition. We show that the latter dominates at (001), leading to similar nonmonotonicity in all observables, while the former is more important at (111), giving rise to highly curved Fermi contours, and accounting for all its anomalous transport measurements.

The calcium doping effects on the structural and electrical properties of NdFeAsO0.8F0.2 (1901.10872v1)

F. Shahbaz Tehrani, V. Daadmehr


We have investigated experimentally how properties of NdFeAsO0.8F0.2 superconductor affected due to the substitution of the calcium by the neodymium. We have synthesized polycrystalline Nd1-xCaxFeAsO0.8F0.2 samples with x=0, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 through the one step solid state reaction method. The X-ray diffraction patterns, refined using the MAUD software and Rietveld s method, have indicated the formation of tetragonal structure with the space group P4/nmm:2. We studied various structural parameters such as lattice parameters, bond angles, bond length, and etc. Based on the XRD data refinement, we have determined the upper limit of the calcium solubility in Nd-1111 structure and it is restricted to x 0.05. Also, we found that the lattice parameter a was almost constant by increasing the calcium content, while the lattice parameter c and the cell volume decreased. Based on XRD data analysis, we have inference that these are due to the variations in the bond angles of As-Fe-As {\alpha} and \b{eta} and a decrease in the bond lengths upon increasing x. So, we have expected that the superconducting transition temperature will be sensitive to the calcium doping. Experimentally, the superconducting transition temperature was reduced from 55K (x = 0) to 48K (x = 0.01) and disappeared for other samples. On the other hand, it can be concluded from our study results about of the structural and electrical properties, which the superconducting transition temperature decreased with increasing the distortion of FeAs4-tetrahedrons from regular one. Also, based on Williamson-Hall equation, the microstrain of the samples increased upon increasing x and for Nd0.95Ca0.05FeAsO0.8F0.2 sample was grown approximately three times in comparison to the pure sample. So, it is noticeable that there is a relation between the structural properties and superconductivity in our samples.

Investigation of fundamental and higher harmonic AC magnetic susceptibility of FeSe0.5Te0.5 Superconductor (1901.08336v2)

A. Pal, P. Rani, A. K. Hafiz, V. P. S. Awana


We present the complex harmonic magnetic susceptibilities of the FeSeTe polycrystalline superconducting sample. The ac magnetic susceptibility is measured as a function of various external perturbations such as temperature, the AC magnetic field amplitude, frequency, and the magnitude of DC bias field. The in phase and out of phase components of the fundamental and third harmonics of ac susceptibility are found to vary as a function of the AC drive field. The imaginary part of third harmonics shows two peaks as a function of frequency, one negative in magnitude and another is positive. The negative peak shifts towards the lower temperature and positive peak is shifted towards the higher temperature as we increase the frequency. To better understand the AC magnetic response under the influence of various perturbations, we have analyzed the polar plot of the complex ac susceptibility for both the harmonics. Our analysis suggests that the studied sample is in vortex glass state, characterized by a collective flux creep state within Beans model and the Kim Anderson model is ruled out.

Doping dependence of d-wave bond-charge excitations in electron-doped cuprates (1808.03618v3)

Hiroyuki Yamase, Matías Bejas, Andrés Greco


Motivated by the recent experiments reporting the doping dependence of the short-range charge order (CO) in electron-doped cuprates, we study the resonant x-ray scattering spectrum from d-wave bond-charge fluctuations obtained in the two-dimensional t-J model. We find that (i) the CO is short-range, (ii) the CO peak is pronounced at low temperature, (iii) the peak intensity increases with decreasing carrier doping down to 0.10 and is substantially suppressed below 0.10 due to strong damping, and (iv) the momentum of the CO decreases monotonically down to 0.10 and goes up below 0.10. These results reasonably capture the major features of the experimental data, and the observed short-range CO can be consistently explained in terms of bond-charge fluctuations with an internal d-wave symmetry.

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