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RE: AskSteemit: Did you survive the "crash"?

I stopped looking at my portfolio because it just looked like a scene from 300 (The Spartans movie, Ahoo!)

I just concentrated on getting and holding a little EOS, some Steem and a whole bunch of airdrops and bounties that I can hold on to. I am still practicing my invest only on amounts that you can afford to lose.

While many decided to refrain from posting in Steemit because the rewards was low. I took a different stance and posted more. I usually posted two articles a day so that I can space it between 12 hours so I can still get a upvote which I am lucky a few whales follow me and even if they don't vote for my content just being part of those that follow my account boosts it in the percentage of upvote I get from Busy so win-win for me.

I have stopped self voting as part of Asher's League of Curation and Engagement and I am in the top 5 engagers but more because I can see my vote can be used to lift morale on people that I leave votes on. I was able to give about 700+ votes on almost 300 people for last week and leave a comment as well so I am pretty happy about that.

In all I still believe in Steem even if a lot of naysayers are saying Steem is dead. We recently had dbooks and steem.films role out and then the hivemind update just happened so for me I'm just gonna keep a healthy outlook on stuff and keep holding.

Who know I might just become a whale someday with a lucky coin that i held on to (Damn you Dogecoin and all the people I slapped with it in Reddit!)