RE: How Would You Map Out Steem's Community in an Organizational UI/UX?
@kevinwong As a UX designer myself, I definitely agree that the decentralized platforms need to start integrating UX and UI into their platforms. UX in the sense that they know who their users are (or rather they know the users they want to attract) and they design for them – making it easier to navigate to the content they would be most interested in and encouraging them to contribute to the community through likes, comments, posts, and curation. And UI (user interface) in the sense that the interfaces should reflect that.
Like you, I disagree with @lpfaust. The communities feature will definitely help with discoverability at scale. When there were a few people on here posting little content, a basic four nav approach works fine. However, in order to entice more users, the experience has to be customized and communities is a great step toward this.
This place is in need of a rapid prototyping community for apps & UI/UX. Not an expert here, just an idea writer every now and then.. check this old one out:
Is there something like a rapid mock-up ui/ux community out there?