World Exclusive: First Interview with Jim Bell of Assassination Politics Since Released From Jail

In 1995, an essay entitled, "Assassination Politics" ignited a storm of controversy that still exists to this day.

It detailed how a cryptocurrency backed anonymous marketplace for assassinations would end all government.

It's author, Jim Bell, was continually harassed and spied upon by the US government soon after and ended up spending 13 years in jail and was recently released.

We were the first to get an interview with him since his release.

It's a fascinating discussion that is not for the feint of heart.

You can see it here:

Topics include: early computing and internet, bulletin boards, the cypher punks, solving David Friedman's 'hard problem', Bitcoin makes assassination politics possible, how it would work, the societal implications, practical anarchy, smart contracts, Ethereum and Augur, assassination lists and the non aggression principle, liable to evolve into a dispute resolution system that would replace the justice and military systems, reversing the ever increasing regulatory burden, putting an end to war.

Jim Bell's Essay Assassination Politics:

Andy Greenberg Forbes article:


Anarchapulco 2017:


While Assassination can seem a solution
Non-Aggression Principle deems pollution
If there were a way to justify such act
Could it be never stopping would be fact

Cyberpunk is a William Gibson creation
From the book Neuromancer a migration

When do we resort to assassination as the way?
Is it true one death to save many saves the day?
Where does that fit within our Anarchist mind
Are there times it is morally acceptable we will find?

Today with crypto-currency and the blockchain
This is indeed possible, yet do we think it sane?
There are plenty of people I'd like to see dead
Yet how long before others pay also for my head?

This is still a hard problem from the morality stance
Let us debate and solve this, let us all dance

Jim Bell did address the Non Aggression Principle. His suggestion that his system is form of self defence holds some weight, but its hard to imagine that such a system would be abused.

Self defense against regime that exists
Sure I can see that being a case
Yet once it is gone would not this persist?
Once this tool is aimed at my face

Would it still truly be used in self defense
Perhaps they don't like my garden
You see on this tool I am on the fence
I could simply be replacing the warden

My first unflagged post since I've been on Steemit! Where's the champagne?

Just finished watching the whole Interview. Very insightful @dollarvigilante a great conversation on retrospects. Wonderful Scoop!

I've never heard of Jim Bell before, and had never given much thought to "assassination politics". Thank you for the upload, @dollarvigilante. This is very insightful and raises many thought-provoking questions! :)

ps... when is STEEMIT going to host it own video content? There is money to be made/spread via content that has ads that pays the viewer, or the view gets ad FREE video but no payout. STEEMIT is the place for that. @dollarvigilante you might help instigate that as I sit hit watching your Youtube video on Steemit.

This really does need to happen. When we use youtube and other places some of our content can still be censored at those locations. Someone needs to find a way to do some form a distributed video system. Something similar to magnetic links with torrents maybe.


ipfs, storj, sia ...

ipfs has been discussed quite a bit.

i think the idea is to have a decentralized approach to the hosting of the content (hence ipfs).

@complexring I envision the day, where say I want to buy a .jpeg file or some other low cost item, say 1U.S. Dollar or less...and I see your "Steemit Seller's Rep. Star" or something like what our posting blogging rep is now, and it is 5 out of 5 stars or 99.99% or sometype of scale as such. I have enough confidence that you will not tarnsih your hard earned "Steemit Sales Reputation" for a mere $1. I send you that $1 worth of STEEM, it's logged on the STEEM Blockchain. You send item, and everyone is Happy. I know about steemMarket or something. But that is not STEEMIT.
So same with the video. I am not sure or who or how or when, but If it is done, in my opinion, it would have to be done some how via STEEMIT. I just think people are hard headed and getting onto another platform will not be easy. My 2 cents any how, literally.
full $teem ahead!

There's a fundamental difference between the decentralized storage of content and an interface to said medium.

I never said anything about having to not use the Steemit interface for viewing the jpeg you want to sell me.

It's a matter of understanding that various technologies already exist that accomplish what you are asking.

The important question is which ones are the most appropriate (in terms of ease of use, code merging, hiding details from the common person who doesn't care how content is stored or where but just wants to be able to see it on some interface -- maybe Steemit, maybe a dedicated site that offers additional features beyond what Steemit is for video content production) for integrated usage within the Steem ecosystem to make the process (appear) seamless to non-techies who just want to watch their videos.

Thanks @complexring . And I get it now... Steemit would just be the interface somehow, but of course logistics.
And it is knowledge like yours that makes you a BOSS and obviously a Whale.
full $teem ahead!

I have been thinking the same thing, videos on the Steemit platform... Looks like we're not the only people thinking about it. OPPORTUNITY comes to mind... others see a problem, I see OPPORTUNITY.

@trendwizard . I agree that this will eventually be an opportunity. As @complexring was saying, STEEMIT will most likely be the interface for the video, but for now who knows what's in the works. Anyhow, stop by My Blog and checkout the madness I carry.
full $teem Ahead!

The maintenance tasks might not make it worth the while though based on the current amount of people in charge

Probably when they have some form of advertising or major market adoption of steem. Video is a lot of storage and bandwidth and that doesn't come for free. Although there are some projects to try and leverage P2P blockchain technology to serve as a CDN though so maybe that will solve the issue.

@contentjunkie You're right that video hosting would be expensive and demanding on it's own, I can imagine trying to incorporate into a system like STEEMIT would be insane.

Thank you! Good job! An inspiring post!

Someone seriously needs to call you out @dollarvigilante

The guy was full of shit. You are recycling bullshit to get upvotes and sheeple followers.

Here is why your version of "anarchy" is bullshit. debunked. line by line

disagree fully
You can't debunk a concept. An idea.
I could claim I debunked your name, or your hair color, makes as much sense.

I actually was fine with the interview. If the guy he interviews is OFF on things is not @dollarvigilante fault. He is an interviewer and the guy he interviewed was long winded. Sadly kind of the same thing I'd likely be in an interview. :( My only real problem is the HIT AND RUN approach of the past two posts by dollarvigilante. He posts them, leaves them in the air and does not engage with discussion about the work, I didn't check to see if he is using his voting power at all. That stuff helps grow steemit as well. Even if he is not doing these things he is bringing in a lot of people, so he may not be checking off all the boxes, but perhaps that doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. I'm glad he is here.

I disagree also..... Kyriacos, dude, chill out, take a pill or something ... After reading your linked EPIC RANT,
I'd recommend that you watch some of the three hundred interviews Jeff has done, and see just how many really sane AnCaps there are in this world, you see what they are saying and you can talk to them in the comments section after any of the videos ....... if you go around in a total hair on fire RAGE no body is going to listen to you, and you are simply reinforcing the idea that anarchy is for crazy people .......

I dunno, I'd say with his Super Shemitah stuff DV is the one reinforcing the idea that anarchy is for crazies. That plus he's a Grade-A shyster and snake-oil salesman who takes his money in good ol' FIAT currency: accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover! I'm with kyriacos, even if his hair is on fire.

You really shouldn't comment on things which you know nothing about, the investors that follow Ed Bugos, (who works with Jeff), have already made over 200% ROI , and he uses the Shemitah info constantly, (as well as other info) ....... And what, specifically, is wrong with accepting plastic and cash, as well as Cripto ?? Are you trying to say that if you don't live off of Cripto exclusively, and then call yourself an AnCap, that automatically makes you a scam artist ?? Just exactly what kind of snake oil does he sell ?? .... Also, I'll admit that I have limited experience with the writings of Kyriacos or yourself, but so far I just see a whole lot of name calling and ranting about Sheeple...... What NEW information or ideas are you bringing to the table ??

No, I'm not saying if you don't live off of Cripto exclusively, and then call yourself an AnCap, that automatically makes you a scam artist. I'm saying that if you sell conspiracy theories for hard cash, that makes you a snake-oil saleman. Share your theories all you like, but once people start buying in, it means you're selling out. DV is the L. Ron Hubbard of anarchism. That's not name-calling, by the way; that's analogy...

I love how you did your sig. @dollarvigilante Man, I am gonna have to step it up. Check out My Blog If you can thanks. And awesome post, glad you are here and this is going to blow it out of the water.
full $teem ahead!

Make peace, not war.

It's all about freedom of investment :)

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