🌞 [The ABCs of Vedic Astrology] #1 - What is Horoscope? [Totally ORIGINAL content!]

in #astrology8 years ago (edited)


This course is mainly for those who have no idea about the Vedic astrology (Jyotish). And on the other hand it could be also interesting for those who are familiar to the Jyotish theory and practice. Currently there are many Vedic astrology schools, but all of them have one common drawback – they aren’t guided by prominent bygone masters such as Varahamihira, Kalyanavarma and others. And also they do not dive into the "atma-tattva", that is the science of self-realization, which is definitely the basics of any Vedic approach.

In Sanskrit, the word Jyotish, translated as “science of light,” refers to the profound and mathematically sophisticated form of ancient astrology.

Astrology is a science about time and space.

I value time both mine and yours, what means the course isn’t supposed to be just milk and water. All the matters will be up to the point oriented to practical things. At the present time we get different information on all hands; it’s nothing, but streamline of data and details. Swallowing and digesting all that lot is rather tiring, so we’re inclined to accept only well-built, structured and beneficial to real life information.

If you ask me I’m for that. I prefer exactly that kind of information. That’s why I tried to do my best and cook delicious dish of the Vedic astrology for you. You’ll see only matter and practice, no excess. To come to my phenomenon vision I have spent a few years and faced lots of bitter life experience. I hope you’ll appreciate my way of presentation and its practical advantage.

The task of this course is to help you learn the ropes of the Vedic astrology.

I aim to teach you to put knowledge to use in your day-to-day life. I’ve been doing intramural astrology teaching since 2013 and consulting since 2012. I know it from my life experience that studying is only beneficial and worthy when it’s possible to use gained knowledge immediately rather than hoping that one day after accumulating it everything will sort itself out. Therefore I conduct my classes in such a way as to give you realistic tools to see usually hidden from ordinary eyes reality.

So what is horoscope?

Horoscope is sketchy image of space objects. In other words horoscope is a map of stellar sky. By the means of this map it’s possible to answer the main questions about psychology and fate of human. The map reflecting stars and planets position at the moment of a person’s birth is called natal chart. The stellar sky map at the very moment of asking a question is simply called question chart.

One of the concepts of Jyotisha is answering the questions which a person asks an astrologer. In that case considering the question can be done with a help of the question chart made for exact moment of raising a concern. Now, let’s try to understand why stars and planets help us to get all the judgment about people or their questions.   

Microcosm and macrocosm.

Human being is not less than microcosm, when constellations and planets are macrocosm. According to the Vedic astrology humans includes 3 values into themselves: spiritual soul (atma), subtle material body (sukshma-sharira) and gross material body (sthula-sharira)

Subtle material body.

Subtle material body is invisible; it’s field where all mental processes flow such as emotions and thoughts. Thoughts is information, emotions is energy. The subtle material body in turn is energy informational field for spiritual soul. Information is masculine manifestation, when energy is feminine.

Gross material body.

Gross material body based on subtle material body and completely depends on it. Why do physical wounds heal? Because when gross material body is injured, for example with a knife, subtle material body is left intact. Thanks to healthy subtle material body gross material body comes back to normal able-bodied state. And vise versa when subtle material body becomes deformed, let’s say it’s sick, gross material body starts changing its form, it’s getting sick as well, though seemingly it didn’t get any outer trauma.

Subtle material body is known as our subconsciousness.

Pretty often subtle material body has another name in modern psychology – subconsciousness. We definitely are aware that gross material body is a complicated structure from the engineering point of view and vital functioning. Anyway subtle body functions are even more complicated. Fortunately we shouldn’t be professionals to comprehend all the structure of subtle material body in details for solving life problems. Just as we don’t need to know how this or that computer program was written, we only use it to manage our applications.

Software and hardware.

We can compare subtle body with software, and gross material body with hardware. Computer people can easily understand this analogy. My first major was a computer programmer, so I’m familiar with computer analogies.

Subtle material body in fact is our subconsciousness, our operational system with installed subconscious programs, if we compare it with an ordinary computer. Some of the programs are just logged and archived; some are launched and consume resources (energy). Some are useful programs, others are harmful (viruses).

Subconscious program is nothing but energy informational formation guiding in a certain way human’s subtle energy. Informational part of the subconscious program can be named statement, verbal formula (spell), mental arrangement which brings in motion vital energy of subtle material body. Power, energy part of subconscious program is that emotion we feel when the program is active (launched). We get used to some launched (background) programs and don’t even realize, miss the emotions which they trigger while operating. 

Just as there are certain programs running in the background or utility programs so there are such background programs in subtle material body. This utility software constitutes the operational system core (its main part). Much the same background subconscious program forms a core of subconsciousness, its deep and the most important part. As a computer core can be damaged by virus and the computer breaks down, the same happens when any destructive mental arrangement penetrates deep into subconsciousness area, it disturbs normal (healthy) energy flow in subtle material body and people face trouble in their life.

Generally speaking subtle material body hypothetically can be called operational system, software component of our material mechanism which by mistake we identify as our true personality.

Actually our personality is a spiritual thing. Spiritual means eternal, non-destructive. Both subtle material body and gross material body are prone to changes, besides gross material body should undergo more changes than subtle material body.

Layers of subtle material body.

We may symbolically divide subtle material body into layers, where each has its depth. In that matter we’ll talk about surface, deep and sub-deep layers of subconsciousness (or subtle material body). Practically gross material body presents the outer layer of our subtle material body. It’s only a tip of an iceberg that we can see over the water. It’s widely known that the biggest mass of an iceberg is under water and that part must be far overweight. The image of iceberg gives us conception how subtle body and material body are linked. Don’t forget that in fact it’s one material body, visible part of which we usually call a human body.

Audible sound and ultrasonic.

The truth is that we divide this and another body figuratively, for the sake of our perception. Likewise there’s sound and ultrasonic. The audible vibration of tones in the range of 20 Hz to 20'000 Hz is called a sound. Unheard by our ears sound we call ultra- or infra sound. But the nature of unheard by unarmed ears sound is absolutely similar to audible sound.

We can say the same about subtle body – it’s the same matter in certain range of vibrations. All creations consist of vibrating, oscillating particles. Particles of our gross material body vibrate in one range, when particles of subtle material body vibrate in another range. And that’s why it remains invisible for us much the same like ultra- or infra sound.

Resonance between macrocosm and microcosm.

Now, a person is spiritual soul and a material body. We divide a material body into subtle material (invisible) body and gross material (visible) body.

Let’s come back to stars, constellations and planets. Human body is microcosm. This microcosm is linked to macrocosm, in other words with stars, constellations and planets. The very moment of a person’s birth denotes resonance between macrocosm and microcosm state. Or to put it otherwise a person can be born only at that moment when his\her subtle material body is similar to universal body (macrocosm).

Exactly this significant understanding of matter processes forms the interpretation of the person’s natal chart or question chart. A question doesn’t appear in subtle material human body (in his\her mind) voluntarily, but at the exact resonance moment between macro- and microcosms. 

Macrocosm is visible unlike the microcosm.

Unlike subtle material human body which is invisible to us, we still can observe macro cosmic body which is formed by stars, planets and constellations. We also conclude that at the moment of birth subtle material baby’s body complies a giant space body which Jyotisha calls kala-purusha (time body, time personality or universal body). These are the main basic principles of Jyotisha – the top the below. Macrocosm is similar to microcosm.

And while microcosm is invisible for an ordinary person, we can see macrocosm with all its stars, planets and constellations. 

For this reason horoscope that is mapping of macrocosm state also reflects microcosm state, i.e. subtle material human body. That means that natal chart can show us subtle material body anatomy or let’s say human’s operational system and subconscious software. Thanks to natal chart we get precise and accurate information about person’s subliminal consciousness, mentality and by extension his\her fate.

I hope you understand my words and you can agree that the Vedic astrology is based on some scientific principles, guided by logic and reasons. So I consider Jyotish a science. 

And natal chart or horoscope represents macrocosm state at the moment of birth and tells us about microcosm of a born person, and that’s his or her subconsciousness which creates the fate.

[Drawings © Fedor Chishchin | 2016 | for this Steemit post]


Nice post

Oh, a recognizable map, Fedor :)
What a joy to be continued!
Even in such a wonderful place...thanks to its creators!
Life is an amazing thing :))

I love astrology)) Astrology helps to understand yourself, others, and the overall picture of the world... it was interesting to read the post..thank you @omfedor))

I like the post and Upvoted.

Hey @omfedor,

Great description of Jyotish.
I love your images - they are really alive and energetic.

I had my own chart read a couple of times.
It has been very useful to me in my life - working out who I am, and how to tread my path.

Thanks for putting in the effort to offer this post.

I write about Yoga and Vedic wisdom here too.
I am in the middle of a post regarding the subject of the limits of our senses - which you touched upon here.
I'll post it soon, I hope.

Love Peace & Freedom

Thanks for that, @richhorn!
I do really appreciate it! I'm your follower! Let's go together! ;)

Yes, my friend.
Together is the way - great that you say this :)

Love Peace & Freedom

astrology is nonsense and fraud. in personality is not due to the stars , and the climatic impact on human embryo.

Well, that's how you see it. Thanks for opinion, @romanskv! ;)
BTW, can you explain why it is a fraud and nonsense? Any logical reasons?

a lot of material and substances which are much closer and more actively influencing us

I don't like your pics, @romanskv, could you please remove them from here?

my pictures are stronger than the stars in this situation)))) sorry

Yes, please remove the pics. They are migraine inducing.

better now?)))))

Perhaps you, @romanskv, really it would be better not to know how the stars influenced the choice of your pictures :)

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