Elegant Transmutation - 26th May 2018

4 Star.jpg
🦋Red Serpent Wavespell🦋

Yellow Self-Existing Star - 26th May 2018

This simple statement by Confucious, said to have been born a Yellow Self-Existing Star, brings us back to the core of the challenge we find ourselves in when life force begins to surge through us, sparking either fear or ruthless love.

As our Kundalini begins to rise, it breaks through our fears of survival, stirring up any wounds we might still be carrying in our lower energy centers, proving it difficult to relax enough into the challenges to truly be able to listen to our innate instincts.

Today, your challenge is to step out of the heat of the biggest challenges in your life, and redial your awareness into seeing if you can perceive the Beauty amongst the proverbial hard rocks and gritty mud you might find yourself up against.

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucious, Kin 108

When we stop fighting and hating on that which appears to oppress us, through taking a different perspective, the shadows and contrasts that surround us begin to shift themselves... often what was so scary, can very quickly be turned into a game-changing breakthrough if we can just bring ourselves to slow down and find the beauty within the chaotic patterns.

Here's to the Lovers, Poets & Pirates,
Mark Bentley

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