What is the maximum speed at which any change in the universe can occur?

in #astronomy6 years ago

Not long ago, sending a letter meant a cost similar to a year's salary, although currently, thanks to the bandwidth offered by our Internet connection, we can send a message to the other part of the world almost instantaneously at a cost almost zero.

A new system to measure the cosmic background radiation (CMB) predicts the maximum bandwidth of the universe, which is the maximum speed at which any change in the universe can occur.


The cosmic background radiation (CMB) was first discovered in 1964 as a weak and omnipresent noise in radio telescopes and is a reverberation or residual glow of when the universe was approximately 300,000 years old.

Now, in a study led by Achim Kempf, a professor of applied mathematics at the University of Waterloo, he measures the CMB more precisely, which will allow us to discover the value of the fundamental bandwidth of the universe, and therefore will also detail what The fastest that happened, the Big Bang:

It's like video on the Internet. If you can measure the CMB with a very high resolution, this can tell you about the bandwidth of the universe, similar to how the sharpness of the video image in a Skype call tells you about the bandwidth of your connection to Internet.

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