Subconscious Literary Implementation YOUR IMAGINATION Song Lyrics Analysis by Christian Sutter

in #author6 years ago (edited)


“Never underestimate an educated author.”

**Subconscious Literary Implementation**

Literary implementation is various from lyrical or audible forms of suggestion. A literal suggestion can be diverse in its direction.There are various forms of literal suggestions that provide understanding of linguistic understanding. Where foreign languages are understood suggestion may be present within literary works. For example “Ohne Wörte” literal translation is without words. The English understanding upon first glance may associate the letters ONE as a form of EIN in German. Whereas, a German understanding is thinking; “Speechless.” An immediate literal transformation in misunderstanding may suggest one or ein. While, multiple languages isn’t going to be a formal part of this objective. The literal understanding of poetic meter might enlighten script with accent. Expression may come with elevation of accent that presents feelings, represents historic characters, and define assembly of people as united.

If; “Everyone in your script was to hold up a peace sign!” The literal suggestion is presenting the minds eye view all the world holding a peace sign. The representation is unity. The world peace sounds like piece and suggestion in word offering might slant audible sound. The same can be true with partition of words. It would be nice to piece this all together in a fashion that brings peace to the world. But, understanding of pieces of cake can bring salvation into the perception of the reader. If your image was one that represented celebrity character. Than, perhaps France might remind a French person of their royal homeland. The regal character might be one that exudes confidence. As readers digest literal works their suggestion is first open to the book. Therefore, literal suggestion is a topic that should become understood by many.

Four of five are subject to being suggestive. Be careful how you choose to suggest and attempt to stay upon the path of salvation. While, we all may one day find ourselves holding onto a piece of rock that falls away from our grip. Getting blasted from the hill doesn’t have to come without it’s own set of pitons. It’s a sheer multiple set of steepness that is traveled when authors attempt to write. Ideal can be projected that resurrects authorship’s evoking positive literal perception. The value in suggestion may provide the subconscious and suggestive with a nuance of moral fiber sustaining peaceful thoughts. When addressed in public religious characterizations are commonly topics of discussion. There’s never been a more diverse categorization of truths, interpretations, and variation of understandings than in religious text. Upon understanding some psychology concepts the virtue of such text reveals a new layers of conceptions. If, four of five are suggestive. Than, there’s one person that hasn’t provided an auto acceptance reaction. Where auto acceptance is suggestive, and one of five question before accepting suggestion.

Each type is subject to suggestion in different ways. The first signal required to suggest is acceptance. If, your book has no immediate thread that results in a moral fiber imbalance. It may be more powerful in it’s suggestion. Moral fiber testing when testing subconscious evocation inducing suggestive command is subject to decline to accept. Whereas, a woman that’s devoted to her husband will honor the moral fiber in most cases. And, no amount of suggestion would change the mind of the married woman. People are subject to change their ideals. However, adolescent development is where most have rooted their ties to religious organizations. The proposition of moral fiber in religious text builds a reactive sense of awareness. A single woman, or péton in French & tootsie in German, may respond different to the same suggestion attempted upon a married woman. The variable presents opportunity where two singles have an opportunity to establish engagement values that may be unique. The formal construction of moral fibers cannot be broken easily even though suggestive are found in four of five. A suggestion that is with moral fibers framework is a better approach when addressing suggestive implementation into a script. We know that there are books that represent forms of cheating which violate perception of moral fiber considering religious doctrine. However, we come to find that religious doctrine has multiple marriages to account for in historic relationships to many of histories characters. Would the doctrine imposed upon by the government represent certain leverage to rewrite history and impose upon understanding of marital values? Whereas, making multiple marriages illegal imposes a potential awareness that makes historic accounts of multiples appear as wrong. However, in alternate early American Mormonism the reverse is true offering values of the past account for the solution that requires all females find a husband.

Every account is personally unique, and not all can conform to any singular doctrine. In the most brilliant of nations there’s always going to be the case of one whom did not know they were encroaching upon moral fiber. The stickiness of this book may result in a lasting concept that entices cognitive thought processes before speaking. The objectives are in variable. But, consideration of categorization proceeding shall illuminate the previous texts revelations value.

Step 1 : Target of suggestion.
A) Identify the target of suggestion: This can be done in multiple of fashions. The literary work might indicate a target whom is suggested to that might find interest in the literary work. The works text shared can create uniform cultivation of culture among loyal readers. Therefore, understand your point of address. Consider dual identities allowable in authorship text, and one on one interactions with people in the real world. Character A may be one to suggest. Character B may be one to accept. Character A might be a world famous singer songwriter suggesting you purchase his album. Character B may be the demographic of character most analytically likely to respond with a purchase of music.
B) Identify the suggestion: A literary work or story might offer literary indicators which provide response from those whom have been induced by previous suggestion. Imagine a library of books that provide triggers of suggestion that induces alternative responses. The literary works indicators inducing into moral fiber can only be done so with children’s books. It’s great advice to be careful allowing your children to read materials without your earlier reading of the material. Today’s culture applies availability of the internet for literary works to be found by multiples of demographics online. Should a rockstar have a children’s book? It might be to provide indicators suggested into the subconscious at a young age to result in sales of his music publications artist releases. Religious values often begin at a young age to offer moral fibers consistent with available organizations offering students of theology with references in various interpretations of “holy” or “biblical” text. Whereby, without a set of moral fiber from credible structured community one offered only suggestive literary works from an author may have different sets of triggers than others. Identify the subject by their virtues and you may be able to increase your odds of acceptance when offering an apple to your tootsie. A goal, and a set of goals, are great ways to initiate suggestion into your authorship.
“Buy the World’s Best Processor Album.”
The identity of this suggestion will be used in the example. The goal is clear. Sell the album. But, how might one sell an album with an auto response induced by suggestion? Can authorship make an album famous? Subconscious literary implementation sounds like a large effort to sell an album. However, the indicator might represent that a péton is surely accepting of the French fleur de lis. A previous book may have sold the age demographic in video game where previous music was present resulting in music spins. The induction of existing publications categorized in a library which inspire multilingual development, positive internal monologue reinforcement, and triggers inducing a well balanced emotional array of response. Where balance is compression of music offering dynamics filter to balance play back at low levels of replay. Development that induces by trigger can happen very fast or occur over a period of conditioning. We often use suggestion, and don’t know it before discovering the topics fruits. Upon discovery don’t be surprised if you realize more are masters of their tongue. It doesn’t take much to suggest someone listen to music, turn on a song, and enjoy the ride listening to the playlist. Introduction must happen somewhere and maximization of authorship may require public appearance. The albums mention will reference forms of literary suggestion providing concepts explanation in further reading of this book.

“I believe it may require the training of the mind to fully induce suggestion into all forms of engagement.”

In the next portion of this book revelation of induction is offered. The lyrics to the song Your Imagination on the World’s Best Processor album contain elements to better understand suggestions concepts. The lyric construction will offer a mindset when constructing a foundation of offerings for an audience as a music industry professional or average person. Your speech is very much like song lyrics. In the example found in Your Imagination’s revealing song lyric content inducing by way of subconscious suggestion the ultimate goal is love. “An artist is made best with continued exhibitions love from their following.” Fan inspiration is everything to an artist. “To inspire love is to write with suggestion.”


Your Imagination
(Song lyrics)
*Lyrics can be found when searching Christian Sutter on

Verse 1
(1) She used to pretend when she was a child, about the time she took awkward steps.
(2) Dancing on moonbeams as the night fell. Made a song up and sang it aloud.
(3) Pure poetry from a child’s mouth. A memory she can’t forget.
(4) She still remembers what I wore. The first time we danced on clouds.

Verse 1-1 : Consider yourself as the tootsie, péton, or young girl. The demographic is diverse because it’s a story being told. The character development offers adolescent development reawakening. The relationship to pretending as a child is universal. As a child we all take awkward steps. Inducing a subject into a state of childhood raises earlier memories where the root of developments understandings present connectivity in the lyrics. We have all pretended or taken awkward steps in childhood. The listener is induced in a state of adolescent development that’s based upon both perception as well as motor skill functions development.

Verse 1-2 : The idea of dancing on moonbeams may or may not be a nuance. The identity of the target may be one whom prefers dancing. Within the scope of music the response of dance is one that provides acceptance is granted. When fans dance to music the artist has made a connection. Suggesting to dance. Illuminating the idea of moonbeams projected onto the floor. Perhaps, in later recall of sun or moonbeams projecting on the floor the song might get a spin when recalled. Have you ever made up a song? The recall of songwriting from an early age comes with voicing unique original compositions in my personal childhood. The lyric is reference to my own development, and suspects that I’m not all too unique in the experience. Once again providing a connectivity relationship to listeners that presents the song as a romantic. The offering to listen may present the prefect sound to marry with private moments basking in the light of the moon. When there’s time for dancing the recall might inspire an original movement from those suggested inducing the motor skill function to respond to the melody.

Verse 1-3 : Pure recall of moral fiber, and status presenting representation of respectable positioning, from the singers point of view. Once again reinforcing the evocation into adolescent development where thoughts earliest roots are recalled. The offering of routing suggestion in the lyrical content to moments that exist in recall is valuable. While, moments that induce pain or inflict emotional trauma can fire off additional chemicals in the brain that offer reactive routing from induced subjects. The use of negative content isn’t ultimately what’s projected by the World’s Best Processor album. A positive reflection exists when finding poetry next, relating the verse, and potentially voicing it due to previous suggestions implementation of request by elevation in voice recordings rhythmic escalation.

Verse 1-4 : Immediately beginning with recall. Dress or attire can fashion the mind upon the earliest of morning chores. There’s often a reason songs are recalled at specific times. Writers often use literary suggestion, and so do songwriters. As the song beings to enter the chorus recall is laid into the trigger that stimulates attractive fashion. This marries into the mind wherein the adolescent development might have first found entertainment in awkward dance movements. The overall perception is one that results in securities. Overall, suggestions implementation into the song requires an induction. Dancing on clouds is unique. One may suspect only an angel can dance on a cloud. However, when standing in very high elevation one may feel they are standing within a cloud. The moment one is subject to the consuming thought of being surrounded by a cloud is somewhat blind. The defenselessness evoked from surroundings captures an essence that scratches a negative or fearful surface. The verses lyric placement, at the edge of the first verses existence, transitioning into an expectancy upon first listening that’s prime for various recall triggering. A sense of being lost is various. And, we first come to the understanding of loss at different times. Recalling something positive in a state of loss may bring a cultivation of followers to a better state of balance. The suggestion to follow the lyric; the first time we danced on clouds, creates an attempt to inspire a first of thought in the mind. Sure! You may have been overcome by the feeling of loss when engulfed within a cloud. But, have you ever thought to dance in that moment. If you’re engulfed in a cloud thinking to listen to the song Your Imagination it may be your subconscious responding. The imagination is partial to the subconscious as the minds analysis of experiences results in variables of relative thought processing.

Take me into your imagination. If all we have is our time to set us free.
Take me into your imagination. Freely role-play with me.

“The world is full of suggestion. When you’re free to role play you’re free to listen to music. What you recall may depend on your experience. Evolving your songwriting in this way can assist your personal happiness. I believe I’m much happier since coming to better understand the art of suggestion to the subconscious via literary implementation.”

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