Under 8’s Day: Part 2! Massive sensory play session!

in #autism6 years ago

So I finished up yesterday’s post just after we had morning tea. The kids were ready for more fun and there were plenty of activities to choose from. Master 7 disappeared to play with his friends for a little while so I took the other kids to check out the sand treasures!


The all got to digging and searching for gems and gold in the sand. Once again Miss 1 was reluctantly participating, she wanted to find the treasure but wasn’t thrilled with getting sand all over herself.


Master 5 and Miss 3 on the other hand absolutely loved it, they found heaps of the hidden items and even had fun burying the loot for the next group of children to come and find.



After they had all finished with that activity, I guided them over to the giant parachute. I figured all of them would enjoy this as it meant no one had to get dirty, Miss 1 was extremely happy with that.


I’m pretty sure this was their favourite activity of the day, we played with the parachute for ages. They had balls rolling around on top, then all the kids climbed underneath and the adults made a mushroom top so the kids could play in the giant colourful cubby.



They helped hold the outside and we made waves and they even liked it when we just stood there shaking it all around. Master 7 had even come back over to have a play. Miss 1 loved it and even after we moved onto other things she kept heading back to have another turn.


Miss 3 decided that she needed to get her face painted, the que was very long and as such Miss 1 got board, so while Miss 3 was waiting patiently for her turn I took Miss 1 over to make herself a pasta necklace.


She was very determined to make it herself and it took ages as she threaded the pieces of pasta onto the string but she was very focused and very proud of herself once she was all finished.



We then went back over to wait for her sister to be turned into a unicorn. Full credit to Miss 3, she does not like to be touched as you can see in the photo but she was very brave and sat still so she could have it finished.



She looked absolutely adorable. Miss 1 found another activity to play, clicking together magnetic shapes that the local kindergarten had brought over for the children to use. Something tells me she is going to love it when she starts kindy in a couple of years.


After all the excitement, both Miss 1 and Miss 3 were just about ready for a nap, it had been a big morning for them and they were starting to get a bit antsy. So I found my boys and said goodbye and headed home to put the girls down for a well deserved sleep.

It was a brilliant morning filled with colour and texture and fun. All the kids had a great time and the boys were able to stay and play for the rest of the day, they even got to go inside for the afternoon and watch a movie as a reward for their fantastic behaviour.

I can’t wait until next year, the kids will be that little bit older and I’m hoping they will be able to stay for the whole day and enjoy everything that is on offer.

As always, thanks for reading.



Under 8's days are so fun.

They are the best!

Aww so cute, these kids really enjoying there, well thanks for sharing these beautiful photographs. Have a fun with these cute kids.

Wow you all managed to do so much for just half a day in the morning. From all their activities they played and engaged in the games I would have thought you all were there for at least 6 - 8 hours. It must have been a great joy as the children enjoyed themselves and you too had a great time out with no stress. If only under 8's Day can happen every quarterly instead of once a year, it would be great.