Coronavirus:Stay alert|coronavirus symptoms,prevention,things you should know about coronavirus

in #awarness5 years ago (edited)

Coronavirus or corona virus is 2019-NCOV is spreading all over the world. coronavirus is a common virus and its symptoms is also like other flu symptoms. it causes an infection in your nose, sinuses,and upper throat. It infects upper respiratory tract.
Coronavirus Symptoms:
.runny nose
.sore throat

If this infection not controlled with time then it may cause severe infection like:
.Chest pain
.breathing problem
.Shortness of oxygen in body
.pneumonia like symptoms

precautions to prevent coronavirus
.wash your hand s frequently with soap
.Maintain a good hygene
.Take proper healthy diet
.Avoid touching your Face,Nose with unwashed hands
.Avoid contact with animals,and dont eat undercooked meats.

Traetment is based on the patient's clinical condition.
No vaccination available as of now.

visit doctor as soon as possible if any symptoms detected.

If you know more about this infection then please let us know.

Thanks to allviru.png
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