!!!Let's make known the beauties of Romania 5 great goals to visit!!!

in #beauties7 years ago

1.Live Lights from Lopatari, Buzau County
Vigorous fires are a natural phenomenon due to the emission of natural gas coming out of the surface through the cracks of the Earth's crust illuminated by the sun's rays, creating spontaneous flames. The intensity of the fire depends on the gas pressure as well as on the weather. In rainy days, the extinguished fire is drowned by the water that cracks in the cracks, under the agitation of the gases.
2.Lake Ochiul Beiului, Caras-Severin County
A place of a special charm, as if detached from a book of stories, transposes visitors into a fairytale world. The particle of this place is that the water never freezes, remaining at a constant temperature of between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius, and this results in the preservation of the ecosystem.
3.The Stones Vii, Valcea County
Living Stones or Trovatons are sculptures of nature, whose origins appear to be 6 million years ago. Interesting is the geological phenomenon that is happening. It looks like stones grow in contact with water from 6-8 mm to 6-10 meters. In addition, it seems that the stones sometimes move from place to place, as if they are living, being still a representation of the stranger that surrounds us.
4.Canyon 7 Stairs, Brasov County
O altă capodoperă naturală, Canionul Şapte Scări este un defileu săpat în partea vestică a munţilor Piatra Mare având o lungime de 160m şi o diferenţă de nivel de 58m. Numele provine de la structura dispusă în şapte trepte cu înălţimi între 2.5 m şi 15 m . Traseul a căpătat popularitate şi datorită faptului că este accesibil oricui, fără a fi necesar un echipament specializat


i know, i hope you like it , once to come to Romania

Ok you too you can come to my villiage Aceh takengon