World Heritage in China HD 中國世遺

in #beautiful8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the producer and all people involved to produce this great series about China. 

We are in much debt to be able to enjoy this fine and great series. I would think this series bring about the greatness of China, especially so as it is available in internet so that everyone can appreciate the value of China.   

Watch an episode every day, do not have to travel to China to watch the World Heritage in China. 38 sets, depth,  Might save up slowly appreciate. -

01. Mount Qingcheng and Dujiangyan 青城山與都江堰  

02. Huangshan 黃山 

03. Dazu Rock Carvings 大足石刻 

04. Xinjiang Uygur - Maqam 新疆維吾爾- 木卡姆 

05. Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area 九寨溝風景名勝 

06. Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains 武當山古建築群    

07. Zhoukoudian 周口店北京人遺址 

08. Longmen Grottoes 龍門石窟 

09. Huanglong 黃龍風景名勝區  

10. Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha 峨眉山和樂山大佛 

11. Kunqu崑曲  

12. The ancient city of Pingyao 平遙古城  

13. Classical Gardens of Suzhou 蘇州古典園林     

14. Chengde Mountain Resort and Outlying Temples 承德避暑山莊和周圍寺廟 <   

15. Historic Centre of Macao 澳門歷史城區     

16. Three Parallel Rivers 三江並流    

17. Cemetery Qufu, Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple 曲阜孔林、孔府、孔廟 

18. Yungang Grottoes 云崗石窟 <   

19. Tarzan 泰山    

20. Ancient villages - Xidi and Hongcun · 皖南古村落—西遞・宏村   

21. Wuyishan 武夷山     

22. mausoleum 1 秦始皇陵 1 

23. mausoleum 2 秦始皇陵 2 

 24. mausoleum 3 秦始皇陵 3 

25. Wulingyuan Scenic Area 武陵源風景名勝區 

 26. Ming and Qing Imperial Palace 1 明清故宮 1 

27. Ming and Qing Imperial Palace 2 明清故宮 2   

28. Temple of Heaven 天壇 

29. Diaolou 開平碉樓與村落 

30. Lijiang 麗江古城     

31. Yin Ruins in Henan 河南殷墟    

32. Guqin 古琴 

33. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Luo Buka and Jokhang Temple 拉薩布達拉宮、 羅布卡和大昭寺   

34. Lushan 廬山 

35. Great Wall 1 長城 1   

36. Great Wall 2 長城 2 

37. The Mogao Caves 1 莫高窟 1     

38. The Mogao Caves 2 莫高窟 2 

Slowly appreciate !!! I do find this very good.. if u have time to see. Better than any tour leader .. 

在茶餘飯後不妨, 花一點時間 ,一次看一集 , 慢慢欣賞 !!!  每天看一集,就不用到大陸旅遊了!非常好看  不用出國就看得到  世界遺產在中國 38集,有深度, 不妨存起來慢慢欣賞。  

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