I've gotta call out Ben Shapiro.

in #ben2 years ago


He recently said that he wouldn't oppose laws barring people with gender dysphoria from having guns.

This is bullshit.

The Nashville shooter is the only gender dysphoric person who I can think of who decided to murder as many kids as she could. I know that Blaire White has an arsenal that puts me to shame, and I'm not worried about her having guns -- I celebrate that she's such an avid gun owner and enthusiast.

This is a greased precipice.

The moment that you start restricting basic rights on the basis of perceived mental problems, there's no end.

Does Shapiro not think that the Biden administration would flag Trump voters as mentally unfit to possess a gun?

Seriously, the First and Second Amendments are becoming issues where I can't find a seconder. I feel like I'm on a fucking island.