My diary game and lessons from our first parents Adam

in #bible3 years ago


Why too much suffering before you get money

I remember Jehovah's statement at Genesis 3:17-19 to Adam, when he sin against Jehovah, he said "And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 It will grow thorns and thistles for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” no wonder, see us at work in Item village Abia State Nigeria




Very soon the house will look like a beautiful one like this one


But this type of work, will it continue when we enter paradise? I said yes, what do you think? See why I answer like that Isaiah 65:21- "They will build houses and live in them, And they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage".


It's well @ojigwe Sir...
God will help us!!

Hello @ojigwe,thanks for using the Bible to explain to us why we suffer today before we eat,and that's because of the rebellion of the first human couple on Earth,however the building work will continue right into paradise as you rightly said,but it'll be a satisfying building work quite unlike what obtains today, thanks for sharing.

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