Bigfoot through the eyes of aliens

in #bigfoot3 years ago

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Hello everybody!

Snowmen are representatives of the terrestrial race, which, unlike other peoples of the world, did not follow the technogenic path of development, but remained in fusion with nature. This is not one or two people, but a whole tribe, which remained the same as our ancestors were, and began to develop the ability to live without the shelters that we are building for ourselves.

FBI Dossier on Bigfoot
They live in the mountains, in caves, in deep forests, as our ancestors lived many years ago. Thanks to such a fusion with nature, they feel and see many more of those who develop through a technocratic civilization. Their education system is not aimed at knowing the material world and the fact that it is primary. Due to the absence of the influence of our civilization on their consciousness, it is easier for them to believe in what we cannot believe. Faith made them what they are.

They are not animals, but intelligent living beings, into which intelligent spirits incarnate, and they have their own special language. They differ from us not only in that they have taller growth and a powerful physique, but also in their special psychology and energy.

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Snowmen are in contact with representatives of the Interstellar Union from Tikhta and Burkhad, and with people - only with individual representatives. To communicate widely with earthlings, they need to learn the language and much more.

Unexpected meeting
Although they have the same genetics as we do, due to the fact that for many millennia they exist in a break with the forms of civilization that are familiar to us, they bring up their children so that they have superpowers from childhood. All this they gain through faith. What we call faith is a figurative mental picture of future events that are certain to happen.

For example, if we believe that we can fly physically, we can do it. If we direct the vital energy that our body releases from food and oxygen (and we have it quite strong) downward, then we can shield the body from the gravity of the Earth. For this to be certain, you need to direct her with firm confidence that this is exactly the way it will be.

Snowmen bring up such confidence in their children that they, rather, will not believe that this does not exist.

Snowmen contactees
MidgasCaus (a representative of the planet Esler) says that the Esler people communicate with them astrally and came to the conclusion that they are so used to the fact that people living in cities reject them and look at them as a miracle that they do not want contact. They avoid people and don't want to draw too much attention to themselves.

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They have no desire to go to people and tell them everything. They fly astral in the Earth's atmosphere and see what mental images fill it. These images are alien to them, because they have a different idea of ​​the nature of things.

Astral thought forms
They have their own rulers, whom we call priests, and they have developed even greater superpowers in themselves than ordinary members. They protect their relatives from contacts, saying: "You don't have to go to people, because they will turn you away from life in unity with nature."

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Therefore, the state of affairs remains the same as it was before - a person shows excessive attention to the snowmen, and they skillfully escape from persecution.