Feminism is like vegetarianism.

in #biological3 years ago


It's not so much that they won't protect women, because it's also true that they won't protect men and boys (indeed, they are today's primary target), it's that they won't protect the eternal feminine and the eternal masculine as normative, healthy, and empowering. It's the ultimate negation.

Both man and woman need to be torn down--leveled, like everything else egalitarian Marxists see--in order to bring about a world in which nobody feels inferior, weird, or out of place. "No Place" is the only place where that can happen. It's a Utopian delusion.

"Human nature, once something to live up to, becomes something to live down to instead. Biological reductionism nurtures this "living down," which is why people so readily fall for it. It makes cynicism respectable and degeneracy chic. It abolishes our kind―and with it our kindness." ~Sir Roger Scruton

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