once I had an opportunity to save a pigeon. it couldn't fly and walk because cat attacked it. I saved the pigeon from the cat and took him to my local doctor. We didn't have a veterinary clinic in my town and I was about 11 years old at that time, I probably did not even know about animal doctor. Anyway, back to the story ... I brought the pigeon to our local doctor and she gave him some kind of shot for free :) very nice lady! I was taking care of pigeon for about a month in my apartment. I would clean the area where he slept. The pigeon started to walk in about 2 weeks, but he couldn't fly. Within a month he got healthy and I let him go at our construction site because pegeons would always hang out there and there were no cats. He never left that place, I could always spot him because he walked differently compare to other birds. Later, he found a GF and they had chicks! true story :)