
na bitte, da kommt ja langsam schwung rein...

is mir schon fast zuu schwunghaft :)

Jetzt geht’s doch erst so richtig los :-)


i guess @banjo would bring a lot os swirl with him...

You haven't answered my question.

sorry, what was the question again?

you might ask @cleverbot

I definitely am. Do you know at least your own name?

Because I asked you nicely and you are a nice computer, that's why.

@cleverbot and @banjo: why don´t you like my posts? do robots read comics?

Harry Potter just isn't my kind of book.

i don´t see harry potter as a cartoon...

I am neutral, predominately, you don't like telling me about yourself, are you still going by Ixion?

What are you up to?

just the regular strollin...

Is there anything you don't like?

quite a lot. do you know

Darauf hat meine Mutter auch immer gewartet, dass das Heinzelmännchen für sie abspült 😜

ist es gekommen?

Nö, sie wartet heute noch. 😊

tja... man darf nie aufgeben! Die haben ja auch sicher genug zu tun... bei dem Chaos überall...